Mathf.Clamp is resetting my eulerangle to minValue when it reaches the maxValue instead of constraining it at maxValue. I have tried This :
rotateX = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * senseX;
player.transform.Rotate(player.up, Mathf.Deg2Rad * rotateX, Space.World);
playerXRotation = player.eulerAngles;
while (playerXRotation.y > 180f)
playerXRotation.y -= 360f;
Debug.Log("Y Rotation: " + playerXRotation.y);
playerXRotation.y = Mathf.Clamp(playerXRotation.y, lowLimitY, highLimitY);
player.transform.eulerAngles = playerXRotation;
And This :
rotate = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * senseX;
rotation = player.transform.eulerAngles;
rotation.y += rotate * RateOfRotate;
while (rotation.y > 180)
rotation.y -= 360;
rotation.y = Mathf.Clamp(rotation.y, lowLimitY, highLimitY);
player.transform.eulerAngles = rotation;
Here my lowLimitY = 0 and highLimitY = 180 in both the cases; I am stuck at this and have no clue how to work around it. Any help will be appreciated.
And they get converted to Euler angles with range [0-360), so while (rotation.y > 180)
will never work.
You need to track the rotation value separately, clamp to desired values, then apply it to the object's rotation.
rotation = player.transform.eulerAngles;
float rotationY = rotation.y + rotate * RateOfRotate;
rotationY = Mathf.Clamp(rotationY, lowLimitY, highLimitY);
rotation.y = rotationY;
player.transform.eulerAngles = rotation;