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Counting points/coordinates that lie within a bounding box

I have 2 tables. The first table contains following columns: Start_latitude, start_longitude, end_latitude, end_longitude, sum. The sum column is empty and needs to be filled based on second table.

The second table contains 3 columns: point_latitude, point_longitude

Table 1

|45 | 50 | 46 | 51 | null|
|45 | 54 | 46 | 57 | null|


| 45.5 | 55.2 |
| 45.8 | 50.6 |
| 45.2 | 56   |

The null values in table1-row1 would be 1 while in row2 it would be 2. It is the count of number of points that lie within the bounding box.

I can do it in python by writing functions to read values between dataframes. How can this be done in Postgresql. This is a sample problem statement that I came up with for my situation.


  • Update This version was tested on PostgreSql 9.3 using SQL Fiddle

    UPDATE table1 a
    SET sum = sub.point_count
    FROM (SELECT a.start_lat, a.end_lat, a.start_lon, a.end_lon, COUNT(*) as point_count
          FROM table1 a, table2 b
          WHERE b.point_lat BETWEEN start_lat AND a.end_lat
            AND b.point_lon BETWEEN a.start_lon AND a.end_lon
          GROUP BY a.start_lat, a.end_lat, a.start_lon, a.end_lon) as sub
    WHERE a.start_lat = sub.start_lat
      AND a.end_lat = sub.end_lat
      AND a.start_lon = sub.start_lon
      AND a.end_lon = sub.end_lon;

    Original answer

    Here is my solution, it is tested on MySQL but there is nothing specific about this code so it should work on PostgreSql as well

    UPDATE table1 a,
      (SELECT a.start_lat, a.end_lat, a.start_lon, a.end_lon, COUNT(*) as count
       FROM table1 a, table2 b
       WHERE b.point_lat BETWEEN start_lat AND a.end_lat
       AND b.point_lon BETWEEN a.start_lon AND a.end_lon
       GROUP BY a.start_lat, a.end_lat, a.start_lon, a.end_lon) as sub
    SET sum = count
    WHERE a.start_lat = sub.start_lat
      AND a.end_lat = sub.end_lat
      AND a.start_lon = sub.start_lon
      AND a.end_lon = sub.end_lon 

    Note that this query would be much shorter if table1 contained a PK Id column.