Search code examples

NET VIEW [Windows]

I am trying to get the share files from servers into a .txt, by using net view \\server_name /all command on the cmd gives me what I want , but there are several hundred servers, can I do this using a batch file or I could use net view on a .txt file with all servers listed on it.

I came across this code but it is again for a single server, can it be modified to be used for a .txt file

# List the file shares on the remote server: SERVER64.

$shares = Get-WmiObject -class Win32_Share -computername SERVER64 -filter "Type=0"
$shares | foreach {

    "Share Name   : $name
     Source Folder: $path 
     Description  : $Description
     Caption : $Caption"


  • I agree with lit, but here a script along your sample with a [PSCustomObject]

    ## Q:\Test\2018\10\25\SO_52991906.ps1
    $ServerShares = ForEach ($Server in (Get-Content .\Servers.txt)){
      ForEach ($Share in (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share -Computername $Server -filter "Type=0"|
                          Select-Object Name,Path,Description,Caption)){
                Server          = $Server
                'Share Name'    = $Share.Name
                'Source Folder' = $Share.Path
                Description     = $Share.Description
                Caption         = $Share.Caption
    $ServerShares | Format-Table -auto
    #$ServerShares | Out-GridView
    #$ServerShares | Export-Csv .\ServerShares.csv -NoTypeInformation

    Sample output

    > Q:\Test\2018\10\25\SO_52991906.ps1
    Server   Share Name Source Folder                     Description      Caption
    ------   ---------- -------------                     -----------      -------
    ServX    C          C:\                               System           System
    ServX    D          D:\                               Daten            Daten
    ServX    G          G:\                                                G
    ServX    H          H:\                                                H
    ServX    print$     C:\Windows\system32\spool\drivers Druckertreiber   Druckertreiber
    ServX    LotPings   D:\Home\LotPings                                   LotPings
    ServX    Users      C:\Users                                           Users
    ServX    Virtual    D:\Virtual                                         Virtual
    ServX    Winstall   D:\Winstall                                        Winstall
    ServX    X          X:\                                                X
    ServX    Y$         Y:\                               Standardfreigabe Standardfreigabe
    ServX    Z$         Z:\                               Standardfreigabe Standardfreigabe