I have a const char**
called glfwNames
which holds the C version of a string array of the required GLFW library extensions. Would it be possible to loop through either the const char* (string), or the individual characters of the string separated by '\0'
const char** glfwNames = glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions(&glfwCount)
for (const char** name = glfwNames; *name; ++name)
slog("GLFW Extensions to use: %s", *name);
This is what I've attempted from one of the answers, and the return value of
is an array of extension names, required by GLFW http://www.glfw.org/docs/latest/group__vulkan.html#ga1abcbe61033958f22f63ef82008874b1
If glfwNames
is nullptr
#include <cstdio>
int main()
char const *glfwNames[] = { "foo", "bar", "baz", nullptr };
for (char const **p = glfwNames; *p; ++p)
If you *know* the number of strings:
std::uint32_t glfwCount;
const char** glfwNames = glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions(&glfwCount)
for (std::uint32_t i{}; i < glfwCount; ++i)
slog("GLFW Extensions to use: %s", glfwNames[i]);
To also loop through the individual char
for (std::uint32_t i{}; i < glfwCount; ++i)
for(char const *p{ glfwNames[i] }; *p; ++p)