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How to change default UserName for Network Super Admin WordPress?

I have created multisite in WordPress. While creating the site I have given admin username for Network admin. Now I want to change the username of Network admin(Superuser).

I have tried the following steps:

  1. Find wp_users table and change old username with new username;
  2. FInd wp_sitemeta table and and edit the site_admins row as a:1:{i:0;s:5:”new username”;}

After doing this I am able to login successfully but the issue is that the top menubar of wp-admin is not displaying.

Any suggestion will be appreciated.


  • You must delete the old one and create a new one. Steps with wp-cli:

    1) create a new user:

    wp user create superadminuser [email protected] --role=administrator --user_pass=passwordsupersafe

    2) grant super admin role to new user

    wp super-admin add superadminuser

    3) login with superadminuser and delete the old admin. Maybe change the email of superadminuser to the one admin had.