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QT CMarkUp(XMLParser) error . iconv.h: no such file or director

enter image description hereHi All, I have stuck in an error for a long time and cant figure out what it is . I am using CMarkup class (xml Parser) for parsing XML files which works perfectly in VC++ . When I move that into QT it started throwing some strange error which is hard for me to fix.It says

iconv.h: no such file or director
expected; before cd , etc.

I checked the CMArkup website where it says

The MARKUP_ICONV mode is currently automatically selected in g++ based on the GNUC predefined macro. Again, you can turn off iconv usage by adding MARKUP_STDCONV to your project preprocessor definitions, or on the command line with -DMARKUP_STDCONV. g++ main.cpp Markup.cpp MarkupTest.cpp -DMARKUP_STDCONV

I tried everything but still probem exist. Have anyone got into similar problem who can help me fixing this .


  • If you want to add the definition to your Qt project, add this line to your .pro file: