I would like to capture chains of digits in a string, but only up to 3 times.
Any chain of digits afterwards should be ignored. For instance:
T441_S45/1 => 441 45 1
007_S4 => 007 4
41_445T02_74 => 41 445 02
I've tried (\d+){1,3}
but that doesn't seem to work...
Any hint?
You may match and capture the first three chunks of digits separated with any amount of non-digits and the rest of the string, and replace with the backreferences to those groups:
Or, if the string can be multiline,
The replacement string will look like $1 $2 $3
- start of string\D*
- 0+ non-digits(\d+)
- Group 1: one or more digits(?:\D+(\d+))?
- an optional non-capturing group matching:
- 1+ non-digits(\d+)
- Group 2: one or more digits (?:\D+(\d+))?
- another optional non-capturing group matching:
- one or more non-digits(\d+)
- Group 3: one or more digits [\s\S]*
- the rest of the string.
See the regex demo.
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
using namespace std;
int main() {
std::vector<std::string> strings;
std::regex reg(R"(^\D*(\d+)(?:\D+(\d+))?(?:\D+(\d+))?[\s\S]*)");
for (size_t k = 0; k < strings.size(); k++)
std::cout << "Input string: " << strings[k] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Replace result: "
<< std::regex_replace(strings[k], reg, "$1 $2 $3") << std::endl;
return 0;
Input string: T441_S45/1
Replace result: 441 45 1
Input string: 007_S4
Replace result: 007 4
Input string: 41_445T02_74
Replace result: 41 445 02