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Wiki in Teams/Sharepoint

we are using Office 365 for our development (Teams for communications and files, which are than stored on Sharepoint. Azure DevOps for agile development). I am struggling to find the right place to manage a central wiki. The Teams wiki for each Channel doesn't support search and you don't get any notifications about new articles. Also in Sharepoint you will only see MHT files, which aren't helpful.

Therefore I tried OneNote with a central wiki notebook that I created in Teams as a tab. This Notebook can also be opened from Sharepoint.

Would this be the best approach? Is there a way to create a NewsFeed in Sharepoint for new OneNote Articles and Changes? Or is there an even better option?



  • While all solutions were good, I switched to Azure DevOps Wiki with a single project as this seems to satisfy all requirements the best way. Thanks all!