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Sort array of days from a specific start date

I have this array of days in a random order :

$jour_planning[] = "friday";
$jour_planning[] = "wednesday";
$jour_planning[] = "monday";
$jour_planning[] = "tuesday";
$jour_planning[] = "thursday";
$jour_planning[] = "sunday";
$jour_planning[] = "saturday";

If we are today a "tuesday", I would like to have this new array :

$jour_planning[] = "wednesday";
$jour_planning[] = "thursday";
$jour_planning[] = "friday";
$jour_planning[] = "saturday";
$jour_planning[] = "sunday";
$jour_planning[] = "monday";
$jour_planning[] = "tuesday";

How can do that, with usort() ?

Regards, Vianney


  • You can rearrange your array using uksort(), date() and strtotime().

    function sort_week_days( $t1, $t2 ) {
            $weekdays = array( 'sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday' );
            foreach ( $weekdays as $key => $value ) {
                $weekdays[ $key ] = date( 'w', strtotime( $value ) );
            $t1_time = date( 'w', strtotime( strtolower( $t1 ) ) );
            $t2_time = date( 'w', strtotime( strtolower( $t2 ) ) );
            return array_search( $t1_time, $weekdays ) - array_search( $t2_time, $weekdays );

    You need to pass your random array as below :

    usort($jour_planning, "sort_week_days");

    Then you can used your array in below code :

    $day = date('w'); // You need to change to date('w', '-1day'); get result from today.
    for ($i=0; $i <= $day ; $i++) {
       array_push($jour_planning, array_shift($jour_planning));