I am attempting to learn HoloViews within my ipython notebook and have run into an issue related to using a custom value_format for my kdims Dimension object. Right now, my xformat routine is basically a no-op but I want to experiment with transposing the default tick labels to reduce the number of ticks on my x-axis, however, I need to get it to work as is before I move on to that.
Here is my code:
%%output size=200
%%opts Curve [width=600 height=250] {+framewise}
%%opts Curve.Load.Ticket (color='red')
def xformat(x):
return x
kdims=hv.Dimension('Day Section', label='Week Day and Hour', value_format=xformat)
tload = hv.Curve(simple_pd,vdims=[('Max Ticket Load', 'Maxiumum Ticket Load')],kdims=kdims,group='Load',label='Ticket')
The tload element renders, however, I get a warning that says:
WARNING:root:main: Day Section dimension formatter could not be converted to tick formatter. Ensure Flexx is installed ("conda install -c bokeh flexx" or "pip install flexx")
I verified that flexx is installed in my environment:
!conda list flexx
!conda list holoviews
# packages in environment at /opt/conda/envs/DSX-Python35:
flexx 0.5.0 py_0 conda-forge
# packages in environment at /opt/conda/envs/DSX-Python35:
holoviews 1.10.7 py_0 pyviz
Fairly confused by this warning. Hopefully someone can shed some light on what might be wrong in my environment.
I think it's a compatibility issue with the most recent flexx release, for now I'd recommend downgrading to flexx 0.4.1 with:
conda install -c conda-forge flexx=0.4.1