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Datashader doesn't update with zooming in bokeh-plot

I try to plot a large dataseries with holoviews, bokey and datashader. The plot shows without any issues, but with zooming in, the plot doesn't change the resolution, so the dataseries is very pixelated. I did it before on another PC and there it worked without problems. Also on the HV-Website, the examples don't get a better resolution by zooming in, although it worked on the other PC. Have imported this:

import holoviews as hv
import datashader
import holoviews.operation.datashader as hd


In the documentation is described, that a jupyther or bokeh server hast to be run. Didn't i done this with the hv.extension?


  • hv.extension() loads the JavaScript code that's necessary for bidirectional communication in Jupyter, along with some miscellaneous convenience things like letting the user select which backend to use. It doesn't affect whether you have a server running, which is up to you to ensure. You'll have a server running if you run bokeh serve, panel serve, or if the above code is executed in a Jupyter notebook cell with a live Jupyter kernel. You will not have a server running if you export a jupyter notebook to .html or do bokeh html or python and then load a resulting .html file into your browser, or if you save a Jupyter notebook and then reload that .ipynb into another Jupyter without starting a kernel. There is no Python server running for the HoloViews website, and so you should not expect any of those examples to dynamically update on zoom either.

    In your case, if you are running in Jupyter with a live kernel, try looking at your browser's JavaScript console output (Cmd-Opt-J in Mac Chrome, or in the menus for other browsers/OSs). Typically there will be an error message there saying what went wrong.