I'd like to create an interactive hv.plot out of a pd.DataFrame with a multiIndex.
When i try to make my dataframe interactive with df.interactive, i get the error-message:
Supplied data does not contain specified dimensions, the following dimensions were not found: ['fu', 'fu', 'bar', 'bar']
PandasInterface expects tabular data, for more information on supported datatypes see http://holoviews.org/user_guide/Tabular_Datasets.html
here's the code so far
dictionary = {('fu', 'A'):[12,13,14,15],
('fu', 'B'):[17,18,19,20],
('bar', 'A'):[35,36,37,38],
('bar', 'B'):[45,46,47,48]}
df = pd.DataFrame(dictionary, index=[1,2,3,4])
that's the dataframe I'd like to plot, giving me the following output:
fu bar
1 12 17 35 45
2 13 18 36 46
3 14 19 37 47
4 15 20 38 48
Any ideas how to go on from here?
IIUC you could flatten the columns (reduce the two column levels to a simple index) before invoking the hvplot methods:
df_flat = df.set_axis(map(" ".join, df.columns), axis=1)
# output:
# fu A fu B bar A bar B
# 1 12 17 35 45
# 2 13 18 36 46
# 3 14 19 37 47
# 4 15 20 38 48