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The server is unwilling to process request

I am trying use powershell to add OU called Calder under an OU called Branches but I keep getting the error New-ADOrganizationalUnit : The server is unwilling to process the request., Also I am running powershell as a admin

Here is what I put in powershell

New-ADOrganizationalUnit "Calder" -Path "OU=Branches, DC=company.epl, DC=local

Here is the full error

New-ADOrganizationalUnit : The server is unwilling to process the request At line:1 char:1 + New-ADOrganizationalUnit "Calder" -Path "OU=Branches, DC=company.epl … + + CategoryInfo :NotSpecified: (OU=Calder, OU+Br...y.epl, DC=local:Strin g) [New-ADOrganizationalUnit] : ActiveDirectoryServer:O,Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.Commands.NewADOrganizationalUnit


  • I've generally seen this error when I've got my fully qualified DN mistyped. If that is the case, using a search to grab the intended OU object helps.

    PS> $MYOU = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -filter 'Name -like "Branches"'
    PS> $MYOU.DistinguishedName
    PS> New-ADOrganizationalUnit "Calder" -Path $MYOU.DistinguishedName
    PS> Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -filter 'Name -like "Calder"'
    City                     :
    Country                  :
    DistinguishedName        : OU=Calder,OU=Branches,dc=MyCompany,dc=ccTLD
    LinkedGroupPolicyObjects : {}
    ManagedBy                :
    Name                     : Calder
    ObjectClass              : organizationalUnit
    ObjectGUID               : 559c4242-505a-c165-15d5-562b5fb99103
    PostalCode               :
    State                    :
    StreetAddress            :

    If it's not just an incorrect OU path, try appending -Verbose to the command and see if there's a better indication of what exactly went awry.