I start getting this error after I actually make a register static.
This complies fine in Quartus:
task InitAutoRefresh;
reg [$clog2(AUTOREFRESH_CLOCKS):0] AutoRefreshCounter = 0;
AutoRefreshCounter <= AutoRefreshCounter + 1;
InitState <= (AutoRefreshCounter < AUTOREFRESH_CLOCKS) ? InitState : InitState + 1;
InitCmd <= (AutoRefreshCounter == 0) ? CMD_AR : CMD_NOP;
But Modelsim gives me this error:
# ** Error (suppressible): C:/projects/Camera-RAM-VGA/Ram.sv(137): (vlog-2244) Variable 'AutoRefreshCounter' is implicitly static. You must either explicitly declare it as static or automatic
# or remove the initialization in the declaration of variable.
Now when I add static
in front of reg [$clog2(AUTOREFRESH_CLOCKS):0] AutoRefreshCounter = 0;
Quartus gives me this error (which looks to be the opposite of my change):
Error (10959): SystemVerilog error at Ram.sv(139): illegal assignment - automatic variables can't have non-blocking assignments
And this points to the register that I've just added the static
keyword for!
The only possible explanation I can think of is that when I add static
to this single reg
it starts treating other regs as automatic
, but then the line number in the error message is wrong.
I would simply move the declaration of AutoRefreshCounter
outside of the task. Then it is clear that the variable is to be initialized only once at time 0. (That is the reason for the "Implicitly static" error message in the first place).