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How to find the the primary key sequence and the max of primary key

I know this question is kind of silly, I need to run these queries to see if the values are out of sync, but I get an error like 'relation does not exist':

 SELECT MAX(the_primary_key) FROM the_table;   
 SELECT nextval('the_primary_key_sequence');

I have a table named "Audit" with the primary key column 'auditID'. When I run the first query I got the result:

SELECT MAX('auditID') FROM "Audit";
 (1 row)

but the max should be more than 10000.

Then I run the second query and I get the error 'relation "the_primary_key_sequence" or "Audit_auditID_seq" does not exist'. How can I check if any primary key sequence exists or not?


select setval('Audit_auditID_seq', 171832, true);
ERROR:  relation "audit_auditid_seq" does not exist
LINE 1: select setval('Audit_auditID_seq', 171832, true);


  • I figure out all my questions, the quote mark is really sensitive in this case;

     SELECT MAX("auditID") FROM "Audit"; 
     (1 row)
     SELECT nextval('"Audit_auditID_seq"');

    and finally make the value as the same:

     select setval('"Audit_auditID_seq"', 171832, true);

    If you need to find out the sequence, use

     \d "table_name";