I'm trying to traverse through a vector of "Stimulus" class objects. And if the properties of the object match the criteria, I want that Stimulus object returned.
std::vector<Stimulus> BS_stimulus_list;
bool StimulusCollection::isNextPoint(Stimulus it){
if(it.GetPointDeg()=="(Some json value)" & it.GetEye()==currentEye){
return true;
return false;
void StimulusCollection::NextBSStimulus(char e){
currentEye = e;
if (currentEye=='L'){
vector<Stimulus>::iterator idx = find_if(BS_stimulus_list.begin(), BS_stimulus_list.end(),isNextPoint);
The code above gives me a compile error : must use '.' or '->' to call pointer-to-member function in..... What am I doing wrong? Or what should I do differently to avoid this altogether?
you have to specify the instance, either by using a lambda (see below) or std::bind
void StimulusCollection::NextBSStimulus(char e) {
currentEye = e;
if (currentEye=='L'){
vector<Stimulus>::iterator idx = find_if(
[this](const auto& stimulus) { return isNextPoint(stimulus); });
(for C++14, change const auto&
to const Stimulus&
for older versions)