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SQL Query for generating matrix like output querying related table in SQL Server

I have three tables:

ProductID   ProductName  
1           Cycle  
2           Scooter  
3           Car  


CustomerID  CustomerName  
101         Ronald  
102         Michelle  
103         Armstrong  
104         Schmidt  
105         Peterson   


TID   ProductID CustomerID TranDate   Amount  
10001 1         101        01-Jan-11  25000.00  
10002 2         101        02-Jan-11  98547.52  
10003 1         102        03-Feb-11  15000.00  
10004 3         102        07-Jan-11  36571.85  
10005 2         105        09-Feb-11  82658.23  
10006 2         104        10-Feb-11  54000.25  
10007 3         103        20-Feb-11  80115.50  
10008 3         104        22-Feb-11  45000.65  

I have written a query to group the transactions like this:

SELECT P.ProductName AS Product,  
       C.CustName AS Customer,  
       SUM(T.Amount) AS Amount  
FROM   Transactions AS T  
       INNER JOIN Product AS P  
            ON  T.ProductID = P.ProductID  
       INNER JOIN Customer AS C  
            ON  T.CustomerID = C.CustomerID  
WHERE T.TranDate BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2011-03-31'   

which gives the result like this:

Product Customer   Amount  
Car     Armstrong  80115.50  
Car     Michelle   36571.85  
Car     Schmidt    45000.65  
Cycle   Michelle   15000.00  
Cycle   Ronald     25000.00  
Scooter Peterson   82658.23  
Scooter Ronald     98547.52  
Scooter Schmidt    54000.25  

I need result of query in MATRIX form like this:

Customer  |------------ Amounts ---------------         
Name      |Car      Cycle     Scooter  Totals
Armstrong  80115.50 0.00      0.00     80115.50  
Michelle   36571.85 15000.00  0.00     51571.85  
Ronald     0.00     25000.00  98547.52 123547.52  
Peterson   0.00     0.00      82658.23 82658.23  
Schmidt    45000.65 0.00      54000.25 99000.90  

Please help me to acheive the above result in SQL Server 2005. Using mulitple views or even temporory tables is fine for me.


  • You can use SQL Server's PIVOT operator

    SELECT  *
    FROM    (
              SELECT  P.ProductName
                      , C.CustName
                      , T.Amount
              FROM    Transactions AS T  
                      INNER JOIN Product AS P ON  T.ProductID = P.ProductID  
                      INNER JOIN Customer AS C ON  T.CustomerID = C.CustomerID  
              WHERE   T.TranDate BETWEEN '2011-01-01' AND '2011-03-31'   
            ) s
    PIVOT   (SUM(Amount) FOR ProductName IN ([Car], [Cycle], [Scooter])) pvt

    Test data

    ;WITH q AS (
      SELECT  [Product] = 'Car', [Customer] = 'Armstrong', [Amount] = 80115.50
      UNION ALL SELECT 'Car', 'Michelle', 36571.85  
      UNION ALL SELECT 'Car', 'Schmidt', 45000.65  
      UNION ALL SELECT 'Cycle', 'Michelle', 15000.00  
      UNION ALL SELECT 'Cycle', 'Ronald', 25000.00  
      UNION ALL SELECT 'Scooter', 'Peterson', 82658.23  
      UNION ALL SELECT 'Scooter', 'Ronald', 98547.52  
      UNION ALL SELECT 'Scooter', 'Schmidt', 54000.25  
    SELECT  Customer
            , Car = ISNULL(Car, 0)
            , Cycle = ISNULL(Cycle, 0)
            , Scooter = ISNULL(Scooter, 0)
            , Total = ISNULL(Car, 0) + ISNULL(Cycle, 0) + ISNULL(Scooter, 0)
    FROM    (
              SELECT  *
              FROM    q
            ) s
    PIVOT   (SUM(Amount) FOR Product IN ([Car], [Cycle], [Scooter])) pvt


    Customer   Car       Cycle     Scooter   Total
    Armstrong  80115.50  0.00      0.00      80115.50
    Michelle   36571.85  15000.00  0.00      51571.85
    Peterson   0.00      0.00      82658.23  82658.23
    Ronald     0.00      25000.00  98547.52  123547.52
    Schmidt    45000.65  0.00      54000.25  99000.90