I am running a SQL query looking for exact words or phrases (user decides at run time). So the request might be to look for the phrase "plays catch"
The SQL query that I create would be similar to this:
WHERE DETAIL LIKE "plays catch %"
OR DETAIL LIKE "% plays catch %";
Because the user will be looking for an exact phrase I put the space after "catch" and before the "%" because I want to avoid a similar but different word such as "Catch-up".
So the problem comes with handling punctuation such as a period or a comma.
My query now unfortunately will exclude a note with the detail of
John plays catch.
but will include
John plays catch with his dog.
Does anybody know of a simple way to have basic punctuation ignored in a SQL query?
BTW, this is my first post on your forum so happy to accept guidance if I've mis-stepped in this post.
If your database supports regular expressions, then you can handle it that way. For instance:
WHERE ' ' || DETAIL REGEXP ' plays catch[ ,.!?]' ;
is the standard operator for string concatenation, although some databases do not support it.)
Or you could use the word delimiter ('\w'
) if that is appropriate.
If you database does not, you can use REPLACE()
WHERE REPLACE(REPLACE(' ' || DETAIL, ',', ' '), '.', ' ') LIKE '% plays catch %' ;