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How to access the baseline comparison results in IBM Rational Doors from scripts?

The background to the question is, that I would like to create software change requests from Doors requirement changes.

For this I have to get the differences of requirements between two user selectable baselines of a module in a human readable format.

In the GUI I use the "Baseline Compare" function.

How can I access these results from a script (inside or outside of Doors) in a structured format?


  • Found a modified version of the baseline compare script at this forum . I haven't tried it yet, but here's the code, which does use a GUI but you should be able to redirect the input & output pretty easily:

    // Your Company Baseline Compare with Attributes
    Date Posted: 16-Jan-2008 00:03
    Posted By: Juergen Albrecht 
    // (Your Company Baseline Compare)                                        *
    //                                                                           *
    // Project:         Your Company Ottobrunn                                   *
    //                                                                           *
    // Module:          all modules for baseline compare                   *
    // Description:     ...                                                      *
    //                                                                           *
    // Functions:        compare any two baselines of the current module          *       
    //               (or a baseline against the current version).             *
    //               Sets a filter on objects which differ with request       *
    //               to Object Heading, Object Text, Object Type and ....     *
    //                                                                           *
    //                                                                           *
    // Copyright (C) Your Company Your Town 2005-2007 Confidential. All rights reserved.     *
    //                                                           *
    // $Header: /doors/lib/dxl/addins/user/BaselineCompare.dxl Ver. 1.0     15.03.06 18:00 UID-USER $
    //                                                                     *
    // $History: BaselineCompare.dxl $                                                                
    //*********************************  Version 1.0  ****************************
    // User:                  Date:            Time:                *   
    // Jürgen Albrecht (uid-al28423)   15.01.08           18:00
    // Created in $/doors/lib/dxl/addins/user/BaselineCompare.dxl
    //                                                                           *
    //                                                                           *
    //                                                                           *
    pragma runLim, 0
    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// constants for Attributes
    const string DUMMY_LIST[] = {}
    const string strAffectsArr[]   = {"Ch.Bars", "Ch.Date", "History"}
    const string strCharacterArr[]   = {"System ", "Hidden  ", "Customised"}
    const string strValidityArr[]   = {"Module  ", "Object"}
    const string strPropertyArr[]   = {"Inherited", "Multi value"}
    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// variables for Attributes
    DB dbBLCompare            = null
    DBE dbeAttrDefNameList      = null
    DBE dbeAttrCharacter      = null
    DBE dbeAttrAffects         = null
    DBE dbeAttrValidity         = null
    DBE dbeAttrProperty         = null
    DBE dbeAttrType            = null
    DBE dbeDefaultValue         = null
    DBE dbeAttrTypeList         = null
    DBE dbeAttrTypeSelect      = null
    ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// functions for Attributes
    int chopInsert2(DBE inlist, string s)
    {   int no_inlist = noElems inlist
       int low = 0
       int high = no_inlist-1
       int hw = 0
       string c
       if (no_inlist == 0)
       {   insert(inlist,0,s)
          return 0
       while (high-low > 1)
       {   hw = low + ((high-low) / 2)
          c = get(inlist,hw)
          if (s < c)
             high = hw
             low = hw
       c = get(inlist,high)
       if (c < s)
       {   insert(inlist,high+1,s)
          return high + 1
       c = get(inlist,low)
       if (c > s)
       {   insert(inlist,low,s)
          return low
       return low+1
    } // chopInsert2
    void populateLstAttrDef(bool bIncludeSystemAttr)
    {   AttrDef ad
       for ad in current Module do
       {   if (ad.module)
          if (!bIncludeSystemAttr)
          {   if (ad.system || ad.hidden)
          chopInsert2(dbeAttrDefNameList, "")
       set(dbeAttrDefNameList, 0, true)
    } // populateLstAttrDef
    void doNothing(DBE dbeKlick, int iKlick)
    } // doNothing
    void cbSystemSelect(DBE dbeKlick)
    {   bool bSelect = get(dbeAttrTypeSelect)
       empty (dbeAttrDefNameList)
       populateLstAttrDef (bSelect)
    } // cbSystemSelect
    void doSetAttrTypes(void)
       AttrDef ad  = find(current Module, get(dbeAttrDefNameList, get(dbeAttrDefNameList)))
       AttrType at = find(current Module, ad.typeName "")
       string strDefVal = "", strAttrType = "", s = ""
       int iAttrChar = 0, iAttrValid = 0, iProperty = 0, iAffects = 0
       if (ad.system)
          iAttrChar = 1
          iAttrChar = 4
       if (ad.hidden)
          iAttrChar = iAttrChar | 2
       set(dbeAttrCharacter, iAttrChar)
       if (ad.object)
          iAttrValid = 2
       if (ad.module)
          iAttrValid = iAttrValid | 1
       set(dbeAttrValidity, iAttrValid)
       if (ad.inherit)
          iProperty = 1
       if (ad.multi)
          iProperty = iProperty | 2
       set(dbeAttrProperty, iProperty)
       if (!ad.nobars)
          iAffects = 1
       if (!ad.nochanges)
          iAffects = iAffects | 2
       if (!ad.nohistory)
          iAffects = iAffects | 4
       set(dbeAttrAffects, iAffects)
       if ( null at )
       {   strAttrType = "Unable to determine type of attribute"
          set(dbeAttrType, strAttrType)
       strAttrType = at.type ""
       if ( at.type == attrInteger ) 
       {   int i
          if ( at.minValue )
          {   i = at.minValue
             s = s "Min > " i "\n"
          if ( at.maxValue ) 
          {   i = at.maxValue
             s = s "Max < " i "\n"
       else if ( at.type == attrReal ) 
       {   real r
          if ( at.minValue )
          {   r = at.minValue
             s = s "Min > " r "\n"
          if ( at.maxValue ) 
          {   r = at.maxValue
             s = s "Max < " r "\n"
       else if ( at.type == attrDate ) 
       {   Date d
          if ( at.minValue )
          {   d = at.minValue
             s = s "Min > " d "\n"
          if ( at.maxValue ) 
          {   d = at.maxValue
             s = s "Max < " d "\n"
       else if ( at.type == attrEnumeration )
       {   string strAttrTypeName =
          strAttrType = strAttrType ": " strAttrTypeName
          int i
          for ( i = 0; i < at.size; ++i )
             s = s at.strings[i] "\n"
       set(dbeAttrType, strAttrType)
       set(dbeAttrTypeList, s)
       if (ad.defval)
       {   if (strDefVal == "")
             strDefVal = ad.defval
          set (dbeDefaultValue, strDefVal)
          set (dbeDefaultValue, "")
       // Ausgabe in File
    //   output <<"\n"
    //   output << s"\n"
    } // doSetAttrTypes
    void cbDoSetAttrTypes(DBE dbeKlick, int iKlick)
    {   doSetAttrTypes
    } // cbDoSetAttrTypes
    void showAttributes()
    {   if ( null current Module )
       {   ack "This tool must be run within a module..."
       // Ausgabe in File
       //   output << "\t\t"(current Module)."Name""\n"
       //   close output
    } // showAttrInvestigatorDB
    /////////////////////////////////////////// Definition for Modules
    DBE lblOldList, lblNewList
    DBE dbeListCurrent, dbeListBaseline         // two global lists containing the baseline selected (or current version)
    DBE dbeOutFileBrowse, dbeOutFileLabel
    DBE dbeChangeBarToggle
    DBE dbeShowDiffToggle
    Stream outFile
    Skip skBaselines = create                  // cache current baselines
    bool bShowDiff
    string strCellBorders = "\\clbrdrt\\brdrs\\brdrw15\\brdrcf11 \\clbrdrl\\brdrs\\brdrw15\\brdrcf11 \\clbrdrb\\brdrs\\brdrw15\\brdrcf11 \\clbrdrr\\brdrs\\brdrw15\\brdrcf11 "
    string lastHeadingNumber(Object o)
    {   Regexp reg = regexp "\\.0-[0-9]+$"
       string onum = number o
       if (onum[0:0] == "0")
       {   return "0"
       else if (reg onum)
       {   int i = start 0
          string hd = onum[0:i-1]
          while (reg hd)
          {   int j = start 0
             hd = hd[0:j-1]
          return hd
       {   return onum
    } // lastHeadingNumber
    bool oleInsDel(Object o1,o2)
    {   bool oleRec = false
       string modType = ""
       int oldOle = oleCount(o2."Object Text")
       int newOle = oleCount(o1."Object Text")
       if (newOle > oldOle)
       {   oleRec = true
          modType = "Figure/Table inserted"
       if (newOle < oldOle)
       {   oleRec = true
          modType = "Figure/Table deleted"
       if (oleRec)
       {   outFile << "\\trowd \\trgaph108\\trleft-108\\trkeep"
          outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx6129 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
          outFile << "\\intbl " identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\cell OLE\\cell " modType "\\cell  \\cell\\row\n"
       return oleRec
    } // oleInsDel
    bool oleChange(Object o1,o2)
    {   int i = oleCount o1."Object Text"
       if (i > 0)
       {   Buffer b1 = create
          Buffer b2 = create
          b1 = richTextWithOle o1."Object Text"
          b2 = richTextWithOle o2."Object Text"
          int l1 = length b1
          int l2 = length b2
          delete b1
          delete b2
          if (l1 != l2)
          {   outFile << "\\trowd \\trgaph108\\trleft-108\\trkeep"
             outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx6129 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
             outFile << "\\intbl " identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\cell OLE\\cell Figure/Table modified\\cell   \\cell\\row\n"
             accept o1                  // set filter
             accept o2                  // on both objects
             return true
       return false
    } // oleChange
    bool compareObjects(int absno, Object o1, o2, string attr)
    { // function to compare an attribute of two objects with same absolute number
       Buffer s1 = create
       Buffer s2 = create
       Buffer s3 = create
       s1 = o1.attr
       s2 = o2.attr
       if (s1!=s2)
       {   outFile << "\\trowd \\trgaph108\\trleft-108\\trkeep"
    //      if ((attr=="Object Text") && bShowDiff)
          if (bShowDiff)
    //   {
    //   diff(s3, s2, s1,"\\cf1\\strike ","\\cf3\\ul ")
    //   outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
    //   outFile << "\\intbl \\fs16 " identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\cell " attr "\\cell " s3 "\\cell " s2 "\\cell\\row\n"
    //   }
          {  diff(s3, s2, s1)
             Regexp ct = regexp "colortbl[^}]*}"
             string frag
             if (ct s3)
             {   frag = s3[end 0 + 1:(length s3) - 3]
             {   frag = richTextFragment stringOf(s3)
             outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
             outFile << "\\intbl \\fs16 " identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\cell " attr "\\cell " frag "\\cell\\row\n"
          {   outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx6129 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
             outFile << "\\intbl \\fs16 " identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\cell " attr "\\cell " s1 "\\cell " s2 "\\cell\\row\n"
          accept o1                  // set filter
          accept o2                  // on both objects
          delete s1
          delete s2
          delete s3
          return false
       delete s1
       delete s2
       delete s3
       return true
    } // compareObjects
    Skip getAbsnos(Module m)
    { // Build a skip list which maps absnos onto their corresponding objects.  Also initialize the DXL filter to "reject"
       Skip res = create
       Object o
       for o in m do
       {   int a = o."Absolute Number"
          reject o                  // filter those mentioned in report
          put(res, a, o)
       return res
    } // getAbsnos
    void applyCompareFunction (DB dbKlick)
    { // Main comparison routine:   find out which modules to compare
       //                     compare objects present in both, report on
       //                     those present in only one.
       string name1, name2, outf
       int idx1, idx2
       bool updateChangeBars
       idx1 = get dbeListCurrent            // position in list
       idx2 = get dbeListBaseline
       name1 = get dbeListCurrent            // baseline name
       name2 = get dbeListBaseline
       outf = get dbeOutFileBrowse
       updateChangeBars = get dbeChangeBarToggle
       bShowDiff = get dbeShowDiffToggle
       if (idx1 < 0 || idx2 < 0)      // error checking
       {   ack "two selections are needed"
       else if (idx1 == idx2)
       {   ack "same selection on both sides"
       Regexp slash = regexp "[\\\\]"
       if (!slash outf)
       {   outf = currentDirectory "\\" outf
       Baseline sel1, sel2
       outFile = write outf
       outFile << "{\\rtf1\\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fswiss\\fcharset177 Times New Roman;}}{\\colortbl ;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;\\red0\\green255\\blue0;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;}\n"
       outFile << "\\paperw11906\\paperh16838\\margl1134\\margr567\\margt1134\\margb851\\headery567\\footery567\n"
       string where = (current Module)."Name"
       outFile << "\\ul \\fs24 Modified Objects in Module: " where "\\ul0 \\par \\par\n"
       outFile << "\\trowd \\trgaph108\\trleft-108\\trhdr"
       outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx6129 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
       outFile << "\\intbl \\fs20 Identifier\\cell Attribute\\cell Current Baseline\\cell Old Baseline\\cell\\row\n"
       string str
       for str in skBaselines do            // find each baseline
       {   Baseline b = key skBaselines      // the baseline is the key
          string str = (major b) "." (minor b) (suffix b)
          if (name1==str) sel1 = b
          if (name2==str) sel2 = b
       progressStart(dbBLCompare, "Baseline Compare", "", 1)
       Module old = current
       Module b1, b2
       if (idx1==0)
          b1 = old                  // i.e. the current Module
       {   progressMessage("Load First Baseline Module")
          b1 = load(sel1, true)         // load the baselines on the screen
       progressStart(dbBLCompare, "Baseline Compare", "", 1)
       if (idx2==0)
          b2 = old                  // i.e.e the current Module
       {   progressMessage("Load Second Baseline Module")
          b2 = load(sel2, true)
       if (updateChangeBars and (idx1 == 0))
       {   AttrDef atcb
          atcb = find(b1,"ChangeBar")
          if (null atcb)
          {   updateChangeBars = false
             ack "No ChangeBar attribute in current module"
          {   atcb = find(b1,"WordDocChangeLog")
             if (!null atcb)
             {   b1."WordDocChangeLog" = outf
       else if (updateChangeBars)
       {   updateChangeBars = false
          ack "Can only update ChangeBar in current module"
       Skip skCompAttributes = create
       string aName
       AttrDef atb1,atb2
       int i, iSkip = 0, iElems = noElems (dbeAttrDefNameList)
       bool bCheck
       for (i=0;i<iElems;i++)
       {   bCheck = getCheck (dbeAttrDefNameList, i)
          if (bCheck)
          {   aName = get (dbeAttrDefNameList, i)
             atb1 = find(b1,aName)
             atb2 = find(b2,aName)
             if ((null atb1) or (null atb2))
             {   if (null atb1)
                   infoBox aName " not in later baseline"
                   infoBox aName " not in earlier baseline"
                put(skCompAttributes, iSkip++, aName)
       current = b1               // make sure filtering is off
       filtering off               // on both sides.
       current = b2
       filtering off
       current = old
       Skip absno1 = getAbsnos b1      // build caches of absnos -> objects
       Skip absno2 = getAbsnos b2
       Object o1, o2
       int iObj=0, iMaxObj=0, diffs=0
       bool StartInsert = true
       for o1 in absno1 do            // loop through side 1
       progressStart(dbBLCompare, "Baseline Compare", "", iMaxObj)
       progressMessage("Compare selected attributes of all objects by Identifier")
       for o1 in absno1 do            // loop through side 1
       {   progressStep(iObj++)
          Object o2
          int i = (int key absno1)
          if (find(absno2, i, o2))   // absno exists in other baseline
          {   bool ChangeFound = false
             for aName in skCompAttributes do
             {   ChangeFound = !compareObjects(i, o1, o2, aName) || ChangeFound
             ChangeFound = oleInsDel(o1,o2) || ChangeFound
             if (!ChangeFound)
             {   ChangeFound = oleChange(o1,o2)
             if (ChangeFound)
             {   diffs++            // found a difference
                if (updateChangeBars)
                {   o1."ChangeBar" = true
             else if (updateChangeBars)
             {   o1."ChangeBar" = false
             delete(absno2, i)      // remove from dbeListBaseline
          {   if (StartInsert)
             {   outFile << "\\pard\\par\\ul \\fs24 Inserted Objects\\ul0\\par \\par "
                StartInsert = false
             outFile << "\\fs20" identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\par "
             accept o1
             if (updateChangeBars)
             {   o1."ChangeBar" = true
       raise (dbBLCompare)
       infoBox "Baseline Compare has finished"
       if (StartInsert)
       {   outFile << "\\pard\\par\\ul \\fs24 Inserted Objects\\ul0\\par \\par "
       outFile << "\n\\par\\ul \\fs24 Deleted Objects\\ul0\\par \\par "
       for o2 in absno2 do            // now we can check for objects not in dbeListCurrent
       {   int i = (int key absno2)
          outFile << "\\fs20" identifier(o2) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o2) "\\par "
          accept o2
       delete absno1               // delete caches
       delete absno2
       delete skCompAttributes
       bool doFilter               // set to true if differences
       if (diffs==0)
       {   outFile << "\n\\par \\fs24 no differences found\\par "
       else                     // set filtering on in baselines
       {   if (diffs==1)
             outFile << "\n\\par \\fs24 one difference found\\par "
             outFile << "\n\\par \\fs24 " diffs " differences found\\par "
       outFile << "\\par }"
       current = b1               // set filters
       if (b1 != old)
          close b1
    //   filtering doFilter
    //   refresh current
       current = b2
       if (b2 != old)
          close b2
    //   filtering doFilter
    //   refresh current
       current = old               // return to former current module
    } // applyCompareFunction
    //// MAIN PROGRAM ////////////////////////
    Module m = current      // check calling context
    if (null m)
    {   ack "program requires current Module"
    Baseline b
    int i=0
    for b in m do   // count number of baselines
    {   i++
    if (i==0)
    {   ack "no baselines to compare"
    // Now make a dialog for selecting two baselines for comparison
    string where = (current Module)."Name"
    dbBLCompare = create "Your Company Baseline Compare V. 1.0 startet at Module: \"" where "\""
    string strEmptyArr[] = {}
    dbeListCurrent = list(dbBLCompare, "Current/Baseline:", 300, i+1 <? 5, strEmptyArr)   // make maximum size of 5 elements
    dbeListCurrent->"right"->"unattached"         // make lists side by side
    dbeListBaseline = list(dbBLCompare, "Baseline to compare with:", 300, i+1 <? 5, strEmptyArr)
    separator (dbBLCompare)
    dbeAttrDefNameList = listView(dbBLCompare, listViewOptionCheckboxes   , 250, 14, DUMMY_LIST)
    dbeAttrAffects = checkBox(dbBLCompare, "", strAffectsArr, 0)
    inactive (dbeAttrAffects)
    dbeAttrCharacter = checkBox(dbBLCompare, "", strCharacterArr, 0)
    inactive (dbeAttrCharacter)
    dbeAttrValidity = checkBox(dbBLCompare, "valid for:         ", strValidityArr, 0)
    inactive (dbeAttrValidity)
    dbeAttrProperty = checkBox(dbBLCompare, "Properties:      ", strPropertyArr, 0)
    inactive (dbeAttrProperty)
    dbeAttrType = field   (dbBLCompare, "Type: ", "", 27, true)
    dbeDefaultValue = field   (dbBLCompare, "Default value:", "", 21, true)
    dbeAttrTypeList = text(dbBLCompare, "Possible values or defined borders:", "", 215, 142, true) 
    dbeAttrTypeSelect = toggle(dbBLCompare,"show System and Hidden Attributes", true)
    separator (dbBLCompare)
    dbeOutFileLabel = label(dbBLCompare, "Output to:")
    dbeOutFileBrowse = fileName(dbBLCompare, "D:\\Project - DOORS Demonstration\\BL_Comp_Result.rtf", "*.rtf", "Rich Text files", false)
    dbeChangeBarToggle = toggle(dbBLCompare,"Update ChangeBar attribute", false)
    beside (dbBLCompare)
    dbeShowDiffToggle = toggle(dbBLCompare,"Show Object Text changes as markup", true)
    // dummy
    DBE dbeDummy = label(dbBLCompare, "")
    // Copyright
    DBE dbeCopyRight = label(dbBLCompare, "Copyright (C) Your Company Your Town 2005-2007 Confidential. All rights reserved.")
    apply(dbBLCompare, "Compare Now", applyCompareFunction)
    set(dbeAttrDefNameList, cbDoSetAttrTypes, doNothing, doNothing)
    set(dbeAttrTypeSelect, cbSystemSelect)
    realize (dbBLCompare, 0, 0)                     // we realize so that the lists can be populated using insert
    insertColumn(dbeAttrDefNameList, 0, "Attribute Name", 200, iconNone)
    for b in m do                  // fill up the baselines skip list with current baselines
    {   string str = (major b) "." (minor b) (suffix b)
       put(skBaselines, b, str)
       insert(dbeListCurrent, 0, str)
       insert(dbeListBaseline, 0, str)
    insert(dbeListCurrent, 0, "current")         // put current at head of lists
    set(dbeListCurrent, 0)
    insert(dbeListBaseline, 0, "current")
    set(dbeListBaseline, 1)
    show dbBLCompare                        // off we go.......
    // end of BaselineCompare.dxl