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IBM DOORS Exporting Formals as HTML file in

I have a IBM DOORS database and inside of it there is an project called "Test" which has a symbol as blue folder. Inside of it there is another folder called "ayberk_dxl" which is a yellow folder. What I want to do is, I need to export all formals in ayberk_dxl folder and its sub directories. I am newbie on writing dxl scripts. I have managed to write a script that should perform this operation but there is some errors and I can't solve them. Can anyone give ideas what is wrong with my script please?

Here is my dxl script:

// Define the filePath to save HTML files
string filePath = "C:\\\\Users\\\\t22283srv\\\\Desktop\\\\DOORS_EXPORT"

// Recursive function to process folder and its subfolders
void processFolder(Folder folder) {
    Item item
    for item in folder do {
        if (isModule(item)) {
            string itemPath = fullName(item)
            Module mod = read(itemPath)
            // Check if the "Object Text" attribute exists in the module
            if (null != find(mod, "Object Text")) {
                string modName = name(mod)
                string fileName = filePath "\\\\" modName ".html"
                // Export the module to an HTML file
                string options = "-html"
                export(mod, fileName, options, "", "", "", "")
        if (type(item) == "Folder") {
            // Process subfolders
            string folderPath = fullName(item)
            Folder subFolder = find(folderPath)

// Get the main folder
Folder mainFolder = find("/TEST/ayberk_dxl")

// Call the function to process the main folder and its subfolders

This gives errors shown below:

-E- DXL: <Line:14> incorrect arguments for function (export)
-E- DXL: <Line:20> incorrect context for binary op (=)
-E- DXL: <Line:26> incorrect context for binary op (=)
-I- DXL: All done. Errors reported: 3. Warnings reported: 0.


  • I'm afraid it won't be so easy. There is no DXL perm for a HTML export. You might want to have a look at tools like perhaps, using its function emitView. Or do you use a library that already contains a function named "export"? If so, look at the definition of that function to determine which are the correct arguments. The DXL manual, which resides at, will assist you in finding the correct parameters for each perm.

    Your recursive function is generally correct, though "Object Text" is a standard attribute of every formal module, i.e. instead of "isModule" (a perm that does not exist anyway in DOORS, where did you get this code from?), use if type (item) == 'Formal'. And: don't use variable names that have the same name as a perm, instead of item use e.g. it, instead of folder use e.g. f, otherwise you will have a hard time understanding the error messages.

    all in all, your function can look like this

    void processFolder(Folder f) {
        Item it
        for it in f do {
            if (type(it) == "Formal") {
                string itemPath = fullName(it)
                Module mod = read(itemPath)
                string modName = name(it)
            // do something with the module...
            print modName "-"
            if (type(it) == "Folder") {
                // Process subfolders
                Folder subFolder = folder(it)
    processFolder (folder "/myProject")