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How to export all attributes of a DOORS module

I want to send all possible attributes of a DOORS module, which is quite large. How can I easily send my colleague all attributes of the DOORS module, so that he can tell which attributes he wants to be exported to him?

I'm looking for an out-of-the-box solution, which does not require an DXL script or something complex. I just don't want to send a bunch of screenshots to my colleague, as there are really plenty of attributes.


  • I think the simplest solution would indeed be a DXL script that prints all attributes. It's not even complicated, it only depends on which information you want to give to your colleague. If you only need the name of the attributes, open the module, start Tools->Edit DXL (from the Module explorer, not the database explorer!) and paste the following.

    AttrDef ad
    print "object specific attributes:\n"
    for ad in current Module do { if (ad.object) {print ","}}
    print "\n\n"
    print "module specific attributes: \n"
    for ad in current Module do { if (ad.module) {print ","}}
    print "\n\n"

    Depending on your needs you might want to change the condition to if (ad.object and !ad.system), which will filter out all variables that DOORS provides per default, like Created By, TableCellWidth etc. Also, you might want to print out additional information like ad.typeName (the type of the attribute) or ad.description.