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Parsing an infixed string with a macro

I am trying to evaluate an infixed expression in a string.

Some sample data to evaluate my code against:

(def data {:Location "US-NY-Location1"
           :Priority 3})

(def qual "(Location = \"US\")")

I would like the qual string to be converted to something like this form and evaluated by clojure:

(= (:Location data) "US")

I wrote the following macro to achieve this:

(defmacro parse-qual [[data-key op val] data-map]
  `(~op ((keyword (str (quote ~data-key))) ~data-map) ~val))

and a helper function:

(defn eval-qual [qual-str data]
  (eval `(parse-qual ~(clojure.edn/read-string qual-str) ~data)))

(eval-qual qual data) provides me with the expected result

This is the first macro I have written and I am still trying to wrap my head around all the quoting and unquoting.

  1. I want to know if there is a more efficient way to achieve the above? (Or even without the need for a macro at all)

  2. How can I expand the macro to deal with nested expressions. To handle an expression like ((Location = "US") or (Priority > 2)). Any pointers would be appreciated. I am currently trying to play with tree-seq to solve this.

  3. How can I make this more robust and be more graceful in case of an invalid qual string.

I also wrote a second iteration of the parse-qual macro as follows:

(defmacro parse-qual-2 [qual-str data-map]
  (let [[data-key op val] (clojure.edn/read-string qual-str)]
    `(~op ((keyword (str (quote ~data-key))) ~data-map) ~val)))

and on macroexpand throws the following:

playfield.core> (macroexpand `(parse-qual-2 qual data))
java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.Symbol cannot be cast to java.lang.String

And I am at a loss on how to debug this!

Some extra information:

macroexpand of parse-qual on the REPL gives me the following:

playfield.core> (macroexpand
 `(parse-qual ~(clojure.edn/read-string qual) data))

(= ((clojure.core/keyword (clojure.core/str (quote Location))) playfield.core/data) "US")

Thank you @Alan Thompson, I was able to write this as a functions as follows, this also allows for nested expressions to be evaluated.

(def qual "(Location = \"US\")")
(def qual2 "((Location = \"US\") or (Priority > 2))")
(def qual3 "(Priority > 2)")
(def qual4 "(((Location = \"US\") or (Priority > 2)) and (Active = true))")

(defn eval-qual-2 [qual-str data]
  (let [[l op r] (clojure.edn/read-string qual-str)]
      (and (seq? l)
           (seq? r)) (eval (list op (list eval-qual-2 (str l) data) (list eval-qual-2 (str r) data)))
      (seq? l)       (eval (list op (list eval-qual-2 (str l) data) r))
      (seq? r)       (eval (list op (list (keyword  l) data) (list eval-qual-2 (str r) data)))
      :else          (eval (list op (list (keyword  l) data) r)))))

(eval-qual-2 qual data) ; => false
(eval-qual-2 qual2 data) ; => true
(eval-qual-2 qual3 data) ; => true
(eval-qual-2 qual3 data) ; => true


  • You don't need or want a macro for this. A plain function can process data like this.

    Macros are only for transforming source code - you are effectively adding a compiler extension when you write a macro.

    For transforming data, just use a plain function.

    Here is an outline of how you could do it:

    (ns tst.demo.core
      (:use demo.core tupelo.core tupelo.test)
        [ :as edn] ))
    (def data {:Location "US-NY-Location1"
               :Priority 3})
    (def qual "(Location = \"US\")")
      (let-spy [
            ast       (spyx (edn/read-string qual))
            ident-str (first ast)
            ident-kw  (keyword ident-str)
            op        (second ast)
            data-val  (last ast)
            expr      (list op (list ident-kw data) data-val)
            result (eval expr)

    and the results:

       Clojure 1.9.0    Java 10.0.1
    (edn/read-string qual) => (Location = "US")
    ast => (Location = "US")
    ident-str => Location
    ident-kw => :Location
    op => =
    data-val => "US"
    expr => (= (:Location {:Location "US-NY-Location1", :Priority 3}) "US")
    result => false

    Notice that you still need to fix the "US" part of the location before it will give you a true result.

    Docs for let-spy are here and here.


    For nested expressions, you generally want to use postwalk.

    And, don't forget the Clojure CheatSheet!