I have two files; "1.hta" and "2.hta".
"1.hta" contains a simple link to file "2.hta"
<a href="2.hta">2.hta</a>
"2.hta" contains a script to determine its own filename
FullName = replace(oApp.commandLine,chr(34),"") 'oApp = HT Application ID
FileName = arrFN(ubound(arrFN))
"2.hta" works perfectly when started "stand-alone" --> FileName = 2.hta
However, starting "2.hta" via link from "1.hta" I get --> FileName = 1.hta
I need a way to determine the correct filename, or does hta always retrieve the filename of the first/starting instance?
You can try like this :
<title>HTA Launch another HTA</title>
<SCRIPT Language="vbscript">
Sub Execute(File)
Dim ws
Set ws = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
ws.run chr(34) & File & chr(34)
End sub
<h1>This is test hta 1 ONE</h1>
<a href="#" onClick="Call Execute('2.hta')">Start the HTA2</a>