i am making a game in unity
it's quite challenging game to my normal skills
i've successfully done the registration code :D
but i am struggling at uploading players pics to server i've already tried imgur and followed all steps at this github repo
but it seems like it's not uploading. then i did some debugging i found out that it's uploading but anomalously that's why i didn't get info such as:(title, description, tags ... etc) back.
here is what i've got so far >> here <<
and here what i think that is the buggy part
public void UploadImage(string base64Image){
Upload(base64Image, (response) =>{
if (OnImageUploaded != null){
OnImageUploaded(this, new OnImageUploadedEventArgs(response));
Debug.Log("uploading completed!");
Debug.Log("OnImageUploaded = null");
private void Upload(string base64Image, Action<ImgurUploadResponse> OnUploadCompleted){
Thread t = new Thread(() =>{
using (WebClient wclient = new WebClient()){
wclient.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Client-ID " + _clientId);
NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection(){
{ "image", base64Image }
byte[] response = wclient.UploadValues(_baseUploadUrl, parameters);
string json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response);
Debug.Log("completed "+json); // it's here this debug never called
{IsBackground = true};
Debug.Log("uploading started!");
Unity works with coroutines, not with Tasks. You can change your script like so:
private IEnumerator Upload(string base64Image, Action<ImgurUploadResponse> OnUploadCompleted){
using (WebClient wclient = new WebClient()){
wclient.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Client-ID " + _clientId);
NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection(){
{ "image", base64Image }
byte[] response = wclient.UploadValues(_baseUploadUrl, parameters);
string json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response);
Debug.Log("completed "+json);
And call it using StartCoroutine
public void UploadImage(string base64Image){
Upload(base64Image, (response) =>{
if (OnImageUploaded != null){
OnImageUploaded(this, new OnImageUploadedEventArgs(response));
Debug.Log("uploading completed!");
Debug.Log("OnImageUploaded = null");
If this does not work, then you might want to take a look at WWWForm