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Qt atomic int get and immediately set

I need to get current value stored in atomic int (QAtomicInteger I suppose) and immedeately reset it to 0. This to be the counter. While one thread incrementing this counter, I am to get the value in another thread at some moment and immediately reset this counter to be sure every increment is counted.

How can I do this?


  • Solution

    In order to get the value stored in a QAtomicInt and immediately assign another value to it, use QAtomicInteger::fetchAndStoreRelaxed.

    Note: You could also use another of the available fetchAndStore methods, depending on the memory ordering you need.


    As for the bigger picture of how you want to use this value, I have prepared an example for you.

    #include "Counter.h"
    #include <QTimer>
    Counter::Counter(QObject *parent) :
        m_counter(new QAtomicInt()),
    int Counter::setValue(int value) const
        return m_counter->fetchAndStoreRelaxed(value);
    void Counter::countFrom(int value, int delay)
        if (m_counting)
        m_counting = true;
        auto *timer = new QTimer();
        connect(timer, &QTimer::timeout, [this](){
            m_counter->operator ++();

    The full example consisits of one thread incrementing a counter. It also allows to read the value of the counter on a click of a button, immediately resetting the counter to zero.

    The complete code of this example could be downloaded from GitHub.