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Apache Ignite AWS ELB based discovery - LoadBalancerNotFoundException

Our developer is trying to use Apache Ignite through AWS ELB based discovery as described here :

The application gets deployed in ECS. and the traffic is controlled by an ALB (elbv2).

While starting the application i'm getting the below error -

Caused by: There is no ACTIVE Load Balancer named 'my-elb-name' (Service: AmazonElasticLoadBalancing; Status Code: 400; Error Code: LoadBalancerNotFound; Request ID: xxxxx

The user is given Read permission for the ELB.


  • Thanks John, Yes it was because the developer was using the usual API whereas the we are using an ALB which uses elbv2 API. I suggested the developer to use the below link to use the methods and it worked ! They were able to describe the ALB.