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HTTPS connections to cloudfront / S3 using godaddy domain

I'm following the serverless-stack guide and have a website hosted in an Amazon S3 bucket. I purchased a domain using GoDaddy and I have set up cloudfront to work with this bucket, then have used AWS certificate manager to generate SSL certificates for my domain (both and In GoDaddy I then configured DNS forwarding to point to my cloudfront resource. This all works nicely, and if I go to in a browser then I see my website. However, I can't get SSL working. If I go to the https:// version of my website then I see a not secure error in the chrome address bar which shows a certificate pointing to rather than my own website.

Could someone point me at a way around this? Looking through S.E. and using google it seems that Amazon's route53 might be able to help, but I can't figure out how to do this. Thanks!

(edit) To make things more clear, this is what I see in Chrome if I connect to or to

The warning message:

enter image description here

The certificate details:

enter image description here

What I do not understand is why, after configuring an AWS certificate for my domain, I see a certificate for rather than a certificate for


  • It turns out that this is not possible with GoDaddy. If anyone else reading this has a similar problem, only current solution is to cancel your domain registration and register with someone else.

    (edit) As @aavrug mentions in their comment, Amazon now have a guide for this.