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Citrus cucumber does not provide default implementation for sleep

I'm using the citrus framework (2.7.6, also tested with 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT) to end-to-end test an application. While creating a test I noticed the documentation has a default sleep and echo method as described in the docu on 33.9 and 33.10 ( However the following feature file complains about not providing an implementation:

Feature: Test
  Scenario: Sleep test
    Given echo "hi"
    Then sleep 50 ms

results in:

You can implement missing steps with the snippets below:
@Then("sleep {int} ms")
public void sleep_ms(Integer int1) {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

@Given("echo {string}")
public void echo(String string) {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

any hints where I should be looking for a solution?

Steps I've written are running fine, just the defaults seem to be missing.


  • Sounds like you did not add the default Citrus step implementation package as glue to your @CucumberOptions annotation. You need to add the following to your test class:

    @CucumberOptions(glue = { "com.consol.citrus.cucumber.step.runner.core" })

    This package contains the default step implementation for "echo" and "sleep".