I want the same Gherkin sentence (with paramaters and without paramaters):
Gherkin with paramaters:
When a 'notify' message is sent to the green box with the properties.
|error|The error message|
Gherkin without paramaters:
When a 'notify' message is sent to the green box with the properties.
Java (cucumber):
@When("^a '(.*)' message is sent to the green box with the properties.$")
public void hello(String name, List<GherkinCondition> conditions) {
I have a error because java method is is declared with 2 parameters and in the case "without paramaters" I have only one.
stack trace:
cucumber.runtime.CucumberException: Arity mismatch: Step Definition 'steps.CommonSteps.hello(String,GherkinCondition>) in file:/C:/workspace/xxxxx/java/target/classes/' with pattern [^a '(.*)' message is sent to the green box with the properties.$] is declared with 2 parameters. However, the gherkin step has 1 arguments [notify].
I create a PR for resolve this problem: https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-jvm/pull/1056
Gherkin script test:
Feature: hello (Function to validate the environment.)
Scenario Outline: Function to validate the environment.
Given me a hello, please. Best Regards '<author>'.
Given me a hello, please. Best Regards '<author>'.
Given me a hello, please. Best Regards '<author>'.
Given me a bye, please. Best Regards '<author>'.
Given me a bye, please. Best Regards '<author>'.
Given me a cat, please. Best Regards '<author>'.
#Begin Examples#
|Jenkins Q1|35000|Rennes|
|Jenkins Q2|35000|Rennes|
#End Examples#
Java Cucumber code:
@Given("^me a hello, please. Best Regards '(.*)'.$")
public void hello(String name, List<GherkinCondition> conditions) {
int i = 0;
for (GherkinCondition gherkinCondition : conditions) {
logger.info(String.format(" expected contition N°%d=%s", i, gherkinCondition.getExpected()));
logger.info(String.format(" actual contition N°%d=%s", i, gherkinCondition.getActual()));
logger.info("Hello " + name + "!");
@Given("^me a cat, please. Best Regards '(.*)'.$")
public void hello(String name) {
logger.info("Take my cat " + name + "!");
@Given("^me a bye, please. Best Regards '(.*)'.$")
public void bye(String name, Map<String, String> params) {
int i = 0;
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : params.entrySet()) {
logger.info(String.format(" Key N°%d: %s Value:%s", i, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
logger.info("Bye " + name + "!");