I'm currently writing a consumer/producer using AVRO and a schema repository.
From what I gather My options for serializing this data is either use the Confluent's avro serializer, or go with Twitter's Bijection.
It seemed Bijection looked the most straightforward.
So I want to produce date in the following format ProducerRecord[String,Array[Byte]]
, this comes down to [some string ID, serialized GenericRecord]
(note: I'm going for Generic records as this codebase has to handle thousands of schema's that get parsed from Json/csv/...)
The whole reason I serialize and use AVRO, is that you don't need to have a schema in the data itself (like you would with Json/XML/...).
When checking the data in the topic however, I see the whole scheme is contained together with the data. Am I doing something fundamentally wrong, is this by design, or should I use the confluent serializer instead?
def jsonStringToAvro(jString: String, schema: Schema): GenericRecord = {
val converter = new JsonAvroConverter
val genericRecord = converter.convertToGenericDataRecord(jString.replaceAll("\\\\/","_").getBytes(), schema)
def serializeAsByteArray(avroRecord: GenericRecord): Array[Byte] = {
//val genericRecordInjection = GenericAvroCodecs.toBinary(avroRecord.getSchema)
val r: Array[Byte] = GenericAvroCodecs.toBinary(avroRecord.getSchema).apply(avroRecord)
//schema comes from a rest call to the schema repository
new ProducerRecord[String, Array[Byte]](topic, myStringKeyGoesHere, serializeAsByteArray(jsonStringToAvro(jsonObjectAsStringGoesHere, schema)))
producer.send(producerRecord, new Callback {...})
If you look at the Confluent source code , you'll see that order of operations for interacting with a schema repository are
Presently, your Bijection usage will include the schema in the bytes, not replace it with an ID