I get the following chisel errors for io.out(i) := Cat(io.in1(0) ,io.in2)
line. What does it mean? and how do I rectify this? Please help.
type mismatch;
[error] found : chisel3.core.UInt
[error] required: T
[error] io.out(i) := Cat(io.in1(0) ,io.in2)
type mismatch;
[error] found : chisel3.core.Vec[chisel3.core.UInt]
[error] required: T
[error] io.out(i) := Cat(io.in1(0) ,io.in2)
As Chick mentioned, we really need to see more context but I think I have enough to glean what is going on. One part of the error message that I suspect you left off is:
[error] inferred type arguments [chisel3.core.Data] do not conform to method apply's type parameter bounds [T <: chisel3.Bits]
[error] io.out(i) := Cat(io.in1(0), io.in2)
What this says is that the type of the arguments to Cat
must be a subtype of chisel3.Bits
. Vec
is not a subtype of Bits
, so you cannot pass a Vec
to Cat
It would be helpful to have more information about what you're trying to do to give better advice, but if you're trying to construct a UInt
that is the concatenation of a UInt
and a Vec
, you can convert the Vec
to a UInt by calling .asUInt
, eg. Cat(io.in1(0), io.in2.asUInt)
. If you're trying to construct a larger Vec
by prepending a UInt
to it you can try io.in1(0) +: io.in2