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is start-bitstransfer compatible with pester

When running start-bitstransfer in a script I'm trying to apply pester to... it doesn't seem to work... I just tried downloading some random http page (while preparing to do some tropico 5 ;) ... to the pester testdrive, but this doesnt work... do .net things not work with pester or such ?

set-content "testdrive:\bla.txt" -value  "bla"
Start-BitsTransfer -source "" -destination 'testdrive:\' -Description "Downloading test"
Get-ChildItem 'TestDrive:\' | out-file c:\temp\b.txt


Describing get-wallhavens
  [-] downloads a file 591ms
    ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
    ArgumentException: An incorrect value is specified in the Source parameter or in the Destination parameter. Verify that the directory and file names in the Source and Destination parameters are correct.
    at <ScriptBlock>, D:\stack\Projects\Personal\wallchange\download-wallpaper.Tests.ps1: line 7


  • The documentation on GitHub indicates that you need to use a variable that holds the real location of the temporary storage:

    Working with .NET Objects

    When working directly with .NET objects, it's not possible to use the convenient TestDrive:\ PSDrive. Instead you need to use the $TestDrive variable which holds the actual path in a format that .NET understands. For example instead of using TestDrive:\somefile.txt use $TestDrive\somefile.txt instead.