I have a class which has a method to draw a shape on screen.
public class Rectangle : Game1 {
Texture2D quadl;
public Rectangle() {
public void size() {
quadl = new Texture2D(this.GraphicsDevice, 100, 100);
I then call this in Game1 class update method
Rectangle rt = new Rectangle();
it then produces an infinite loop.
What's the problem? and how would I go around fixing it? i suspect it has something to do with the GraphicsDeviceManager, however I haven't found any help with it.
Your Rectangle should not inherit from Game1. If you need to access your GraphicsDevice, pass it as an argument to your constructor. Because right now, you are creating a new Game1 for each rectangle.
public class Rectangle {
Texture2D quadl;
private readonly GraphicsDevice _graphicsDevice;
public Rectangle(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice) {
this._graphicsDevice = graphicsDevice;
public void size() {
quadl = new Texture2D(this._graphicsDevice, 100, 100);
Because we what you are doing right now, you are creating a new instance of your game with each Rectangle, which will each have their own instance of the GraphicsDevice.