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Can I RDP through mstsc and run a script on that remote desktop?

I'm writing a script which needs to RDP to a few servers, do processes there and then come back.

mstsc /v:<computer> by itself looks great as it's security/credential prompt is the same as if you manually executed it.

However, after some research it appears that's meant to be a command line utility and nothing more because trying things like:

mstsc /v: | Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {"New-Item C:\Users\<me>\Desktop\Success.txt -ItemType file"} 

doesn't work.

So I tried Enter-PSSession <computer> -Credential $env:UserName which people use but it looks like a mess to deal with compared to mstsc because it looks primitive (an article I read yesterday tried to say this type of prompt is ALWAYS a phishing scam which obviously it's not but try telling management), it doesn't auto-populate domains, and I get a WinRM error which I'm sure will be a rabbit hole.

So is it possible to RDP with mstsc and then pipe commands to it so they're executed on that computer?


  • The answer is no. You cannot initiate some kind of pipe using MSTSC.exe.

    You can, however, use PSRemoting to send the command like you're trying to do already:

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName '<FQDN>' -ScriptBlock {
        New-Item -Path "$HOME\Desktop\Success.txt" -ItemType File

    If you don't know the FQDN, then look up the IP using DNS:


    All this failing.. you can fall back on WMI, but you don't get any console feedback:

    $WmiArgs = @{
        'Class'        = 'Win32_Process'
        'Name'         = 'Create'
        'ArgumentList' = 'powershell -NoProfile -NonInteractive -WindowStyle Hidden -Command "New-Item -Path $HOME\Desktop\Success.txt -ItemType File"'
        'ComputerName' = ''
    Invoke-WmiMethod @WmiArgs

    While I tested the above is working, you can shorthand even this!

        Create('powershell -NoP -NonI -W Hidden -C "New-Item -Path $HOME\Desktop\Success.txt -ItemType File"')

    With this method, however, you cannot pass credentials.