I just downloaded UFPS asset in unity but after importing i get some errors. I cant find a way online on how to fix that.
Unity Version: 2018
Assets/UFPS/Base/Scripts/Gameplay/Player/Local/vp_LocalPlayer.cs(62,46): error CS1540: Cannot access protected member
UnityEngine.Texture.Texture()' via a qualifier of type
UnityEngine.Texture'. The qualifier must be of type `vp_LocalPlayer' or derived from it
Assets/UFPS/Base/Scripts/Gameplay/Player/Local/vp_LocalPlayer.cs(62,46): error CS0122: `UnityEngine.Texture.Texture()' is inaccessible due to its protection level
Line with error:
static Texture m_InvisibleTexture = new Texture();
Replace your line with
private static Texture m_InvisibleTexture = new Texture2D(2, 2);
You'll also run into this error:
Assets/UFPS/Base/Scripts/Gameplay/Editor/vp_FootstepManagerEditor.cs(228,25): error CS0143: The class `UnityEngine.AudioClip' has no constructors defined
Here's a link to a fix and more about the problems you'll encounter: