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avoid pointer-to-member-function for non-class type

I am writing a kind of container class, for which I would like to offer an apply method which evaluates a function on the content of the container.

template<typename T>
struct Foo
    T val;

    /** apply a free function */
    template<typename U> Foo<U> apply(U(*fun)(const T&))
        return Foo<U>(fun(val));

    /** apply a member function */
    template<typename U> Foo<U> apply(U (T::*fun)() const)
        return Foo<U>((val.*fun)());

struct Bar{};
template class Foo<Bar>; // this compiles
//template class Foo<int>; // this produces an error

The last line yields error: creating pointer to member function of non-class type ‘const int’. Even though I only instantiated Foo and not used apply at all. So my question is: How can I effectively remove the second overload whenever T is a non-class type?

Note: I also tried having only one overload taking a std::function<U(const T&)>. This kinda works, because both function-pointers and member-function-pointers can be converted to std::function, but this approach effectively disables template deduction for U which makes user-code less readable.


  • Using std::invoke instead helps, it is much easier to implement and read

    template<typename T>
    struct Foo
        T val;
        template<typename U> auto apply(U&& fun)
            return Foo<std::invoke_result_t<U, T>>{std::invoke(std::forward<U>(fun), val)};
    struct Bar{};
    template class Foo<Bar>;
    template class Foo<int>;

    However, this won't compile if the functions are overloaded

    int f();
    double f(const Bar&);
    Foo<Bar>{}.apply(f);  // Doesn't compile

    The way around that is to use functors instead

    Foo<Bar>{}.apply([](auto&& bar) -> decltype(auto) { return f(decltype(bar)(bar)); });

    Which also makes it more consistent with member function calls

    Foo<Bar>{}.apply([](auto&& bar) -> decltype(auto) { return decltype(bar)(bar).f(); });