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Identityserver4 Revoke One or All tokens

In the application, when a user logs out, I would revoke the reference and refresh token for that current session. This is an API and thus other devices can be logged into the application. I want to provide the ability to log out or log out from all devices.

In Identityserver4, when we are logging out, we can use the revocation client to revoke a token:

var client = new TokenRevocationClient(...);
//var result = await client.RevokeAccessTokenAsync(token);
//var result = await client.RevokeRefreshTokenAsync(token);

This, in turn, calls IReferenceTokenStore.RemoveReferenceTokenAsync(string handle).

Now, the question is, how would I revoke all tokens for a user? This means that it should call IReferenceTokenStore.RemoveReferenceTokensAsync(string subjectId, string clientId) instead.


  • You can inject an instance of IIdentityServerInteractionService and call RevokeTokensForCurrentSessionAsync().

    This should lead to calling of IReferenceTokenStore.RemoveReferenceTokensAsync(string subjectId, string clientId).