Consider this QWidget
initialized as:
QWidget *Logger;
Logger = new QWidget();
QPushButton *btn;
btn= new QPushButton(Logger);
It display the Logger with a button with text pushButton.
Now Later if i want to access pushButton, i do it like this:
QPushButton *pushButton = Logger->findChild<QPushButton *>("pushButton");
pushButton->setText("NEW BUTTON");
I want to know is there a possibility to access directly this pushButton from Logger
Something like:
Logger->btn ...
I tried but it does not work. I have Widgets defined like this with many child objects and i wonder is this the only way to access them at run time??
EDIT: @drescherjm, So something along these lines you mean:
class MyWidget : QWidget
QPushButton *pushButton;
pushButton = new QPushButton(this);
MyWidget *w = new MyWidget();
And is it worth it to create so many classes?? for small redundant tasks?
It won't work the way that you are expecting it to work. Use btn
as long as it is in scope.
If you are creating btn
somewhere locally, but your use-case demands you to use it in different places across your code, then you need to reconsider your design and make the QPushButton
part of a class member.
Something of this sort :
#include <QPushButton>
class SampleWidget : public QWidget
public :
SampleWidget( QWidget * inParent );
// public methods to change the properties of the QPushButton go here.
void SetButtonText( QString const & inString );
bool IsButtonChecked();
private :
QPushButton *mSampleButton;
And in the implementation :
SampleWidget::SampleWidget(QWidget *parent)
mSampleButton( new QPushButton( parent ) )
// connect( mSampleButton,......... ); Connection to slot
void SampleWidget::SetButtonText( QString const & inString )
mSampleButton->setText( inString );
return mSampleButton->isChecked();
The question was not very clear on what you exactly want, but it seems like you are struggling to understand how to alter the attributes of a push button if it is a private member of a class and the above example will help you with that.