Is there a way to access all the different types of object inherited from the same class using the same reference in an object without hard-coding it?
I'm developing on unity and I want to add a module in my game that could watch any particular float in a GameObject to then change another float in another GameObject once it reaches a certain value.
As an example: A "Trigger" Object/Module which set the value of Hunger=1 in a brain Object when the value of Fullness<0.5 is reached in a stomach Object.
As I'll have a big number of possible combinations I don't want to hardcode it by creating a daughter of the Trigger Class for each of them.
My initial idea was to use pointers that would be directed to the good floats to watch/change upon initialization. But apparently, we can't use unsafe code inside iterators (IEnumerator) so I'm not sure how to poll the value of Fullness.
To give an example of what I would like :
public Class Trigger{
private float* ToPoll;
private float* ToChange;
public void SetTrigger(float* poll, float* change){
ToPoll = poll;
ToChange = change;
// the loop would be a IEnumerator, not a litteral loop
while(*ToPoll < 0.5f){
*ToChange = 1f
void Main(){
Trigger trigger1, trigger2;
trigger1.SetTrigger(&Stomach.fullness, &Brain.hunger)
trigger2.SetTrigger(&Sun.activityLevel, &Earth.radiationLevel)
// ^ Literally any float from any object
Do you have any ideas how to or better ways to implement it?
Expanding on the answer from @kara, the following code implements independent Stomach
and Brain
objects, and uses Being
to wire them up.
What Being
knows about Stomach
What Being
knows about Brain
(i.e. a "hungry" signal -- who cares where it came from)IsHungryEvent
Keep in mind that in a real implementation there would likely be other objects listening for those events. e.g. maybe you have an emotion system that would switch to "hangry" and a goal-based AI that would switch to food-seeking mode. Neither system would need to be aware of the other, but both could respond to signals from the Brain
. In this trivial implementation the Being
responds to the Stomach
signal and both notifies and responds to the Brain
The important take-away from this is not the specific method of raising and responding to events (in this case the default .Net mechanism) but the fact that neither object knows anything about the internals of the other (see the different implementations of HumanStomach
and ZombieStomach
) and instead the connection is wired up at a more appropriate level (Being
in this case). Also note the reliance on interfaces, which allows us to do things like create hybrid beings (i.e. pairing a ZombieBrain
with a HumanStomach
Code was written/tested with .Net Core CLI as a console app, but it should be compatible with most any version of .Net > 3.5.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
namespace so_example
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var person1 = new Being("Human 1", new HumanBrain(), new HumanStomach());
var zombie1 = new Being("Zombie 1", new ZombieBrain(), new ZombieStomach());
var hybrid1 = new Being("Hybrid 1", new ZombieBrain(), new HumanStomach());
var hybrid2 = new Being("Hybrid 2", new HumanBrain(), new ZombieStomach());
Console.WriteLine("Hit any key to exit");
public class HungryEventArgs : EventArgs
public string Message { get; set; }
public interface IStomach
event EventHandler<HungryEventArgs> NeedsFoodEvent;
public class Stomach : IStomach
public event EventHandler<HungryEventArgs> NeedsFoodEvent;
protected virtual void OnRaiseNeedsFoodEvent(HungryEventArgs e)
EventHandler<HungryEventArgs> handler = NeedsFoodEvent;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, e);
public class HumanStomach : Stomach
private Timer _hungerTimer;
public HumanStomach()
_hungerTimer = new Timer(o =>
// only trigger if breakfast, lunch or dinner (24h notation)
if (new [] { 8, 13, 19 }.Any(t => t == DateTime.Now.Hour))
OnRaiseNeedsFoodEvent(new HungryEventArgs { Message = "I'm empty!" });
Console.WriteLine("It's not mealtime");
}, null, 1000, 1000);
public class ZombieStomach : Stomach
private Timer _hungerTimer;
public ZombieStomach()
_hungerTimer = new Timer(o =>
OnRaiseNeedsFoodEvent(new HungryEventArgs { Message = "Need brains in stomach!" });
}, null, 1000, 1000);
public interface IBrain
event EventHandler<HungryEventArgs> IsHungryEvent;
void OnRaiseIsHungryEvent();
public class Brain : IBrain
public event EventHandler<HungryEventArgs> IsHungryEvent;
protected string _hungryMessage;
public void OnRaiseIsHungryEvent()
EventHandler<HungryEventArgs> handler = IsHungryEvent;
if (handler != null)
var e = new HungryEventArgs
Message = _hungryMessage
handler(this, e);
public class HumanBrain : Brain
public HumanBrain()
_hungryMessage = "Need food!";
public class ZombieBrain : Brain
public ZombieBrain()
_hungryMessage = "Braaaaaains!";
public class Being
protected readonly IBrain _brain;
protected readonly IStomach _stomach;
private readonly string _name;
public Being(string name, IBrain brain, IStomach stomach)
_stomach = stomach;
_brain = brain;
_name = name;
_stomach.NeedsFoodEvent += (s, e) =>
Console.WriteLine($"{_name}: {e.Message}");
_brain.IsHungryEvent += (s, e) =>
Console.WriteLine($"{_name}: {e.Message}");
To provide some output, I faked things in the 2 IStomach
implementations. The HumanStomach
creates a timer callback in the constructor which fires every 1 second and checks if the current hour is a meal hour. If it is, it raises the NeedsFoodEvent
. The ZombieStomach
also uses a callback every 1 second, but it just fires the NeedsFoodEvent
every time. In a real Unity implementation you'd likely trigger the even based on some event from Unity -- an action the player took, after some preset amount of time, etc.