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How to remove null rows in when using union all in multiple tables

How to remove null rows in when using union all in multiple tables

declare @FromDate date='2018-05-01';
    declare @ToDate date='2018-05-10';

    select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS [SNO],t.MNO,MNAME ,isnull(sum(v1),0.00) as Balance,isnull(sum(v2),0.00) as CurrentPurchase,isnull(sum(v3),0.00) as Deduction
    from (select MNO, PendingDeduc as v1, NULL as v2, NULL as v3
          from tblProductPurchaseBalance where EntryDate between @FromDate and @ToDate union all
          select MNO, NULL as v1, TotalAmount, NULL as v3
          from tblMnoProductPurchase where PurchaseDate between @FromDate and @ToDate union all
          select MemNo as MNO, NULL as v1, NULL as v2, AAVIN
          from tblDeduction where EntryDate between @FromDate and @ToDate       
         ) t inner join TBLMEMBERS on t.MNO=TBLMEMBERS.MNO
    group by t.MNO,MNAME
    order by t.MNO

Sample Data And Result I need


  • You can't use t.Balance > 0 in your where clause, as Balance is just a alias name to your column in select.

    Instead you can write HAVING isnull(sum(v1),0.00) > 0 after GROUP BY.

    You final query should look like following.

    SELECT ..., isnull(sum(v1),0.00) Balance
     --Your internal query here
    ) T
    HAVING isnull(sum(v1),0.00) > 0

    Another approach is to again wrap you entire query inside a table and put the condition. Like following query.

     select * from
     select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT 1)) AS [SNO],t.MNO,MNAME ,isnull(sum(v1),0.00) as Balance,isnull(sum(v2),0.00) as CurrentPurchase,isnull(sum(v3),0.00) as Deduction
        from (select MNO, PendingDeduc as v1, NULL as v2, NULL as v3
              from tblProductPurchaseBalance where EntryDate between @FromDate and @ToDate union all
              select MNO, NULL as v1, TotalAmount, NULL as v3
              from tblMnoProductPurchase where PurchaseDate between @FromDate and @ToDate union all
              select MemNo as MNO, NULL as v1, NULL as v2, AAVIN
              from tblDeduction where EntryDate between @FromDate and @ToDate       
             ) t inner join TBLMEMBERS on t.MNO=TBLMEMBERS.MNO
        group by t.MNO,MNAME
       where T.Balance > 0 OR T.CurrentPurchase > 0 OR T.Deduction > 0
       order by t.MNO