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how to remove all results relating to a grouped ID when one of the results fails a test

So what I am trying to do is retrieve all of the orders from the CKDBAUDDP grouped by the KEYVADD(ID). What I then want to do is only return the order if the status is within a certain date range. with the code I currently have, adding another "and" with the STMPADD comparison will just remove those results from the completed query. This is not really what I want to happen as the results just become less clear then.

exec('  select KEYVADD
    ,min(case when VALUADD=0 then STMPADD else null end) as "Status 0"
    ,min(case when VALUADD=2 then STMPADD else null end) as "Status 2"
    ,min(case when VALUADD=4 then STMPADD else null end) as "Status 4"
    ,min(case when VALUADD=5 then STMPADD else null end) as "Status 5"
    ,min(case when VALUADD=7 then STMPADD else null end) as "Status 7"
    ,min(case when VALUADD=8 then STMPADD else null end) as "Status 8"
    ,min(case when VALUADD=9 then STMPADD else null end) as "Status 9"
    ,min(nmdoh) as "Customer"
    ,min(c.scscn) as "Container"
    ,min(whsoh) as "Warehouse"
    ,min(preoh) as "Preorder"
left outer join mvpscohp h on left(a.KEYVADD,7) = h.ONHOH
left outer join mvpscnhp c on h.onhoh = c.onhcn
where whsoh in (700,711,721,731) 
    and IMGTADD = ''A''
    and KEYVADD IN (786398200,786417600)                                                                                                     
group by KEYVADD

') at nordic

Below is some test data retrieved from the query above.

KEYVADD    |            Status 0            |           Status 2            |           Status 4            |   Status 5  | Status 7  |             Status 8         |  Status 9  |     Customer  | Container  |    Warehouse | Preorder
786398200  |  2018-04-30 13:07:53.8780000   |   2018-04-30 10:21:41.9330000 |  2018-04-30 13:08:18.8560000  |   NULL      | NULL      | 2018-04-30 16:33:11.8850000  |  NULL      |  test name    |  27739742  |      721     |  N
786417600  |  2018-04-30 13:07:53.9080000   |   2018-04-30 11:21:15.7810000 |  2018-04-30 13:08:18.8930000  |   NULL      | NULL      | 2018-04-30 18:13:07.7940000  |  NULL      |  test name 2  |  27739744  |      721     |  N

The problem would be in this example if I didn't want the second one to show up because the status 2 was after 11 am and I put that in the And statement it would simply remove the time and put a Null in the results which is not what I want. How would I get it to remove that ID all together?

Sorry of this is too much info but hopefully its clear what I am trying to get across. Thanks!


  • I think you would use having:

    having datepart(hour, min(case when VALUADD = 2 then STMPADD end)) >= 11