I loaded the following statements into an OWL-Horst repository:
@prefix : <http://example.org/owlim#>.
@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
:Foo a owl:Class .
:Bar a owl:Class .
:p a owl:ObjectProperty .
:f a :Foo .
:b a :Bar .
:f :p :b .
But I cannot visualize the Domain-Range chart. I get the message "No Domain-Range graph available for '<Class_Name>'.
What is wrong with my graph?
[a :Foo] :p [a :Bar]
does not entail :p rdfs:domain :Foo; rdfs:range :Bar
. This should be an RDFS-level rule, and there is no such a rule.
You should say explicitely:
:p rdfs:domain :Foo .
:p rdfs:range :Bar .
Then you'll get something like this image.
By the way, constructing domain-range graph, GraphDB performs the following query:
SELECT DISTINCT ?prop ?propertyType ?objectPropClass (?c != :Bar as ?implicit) {
:Bar rdfs:subClassOf ?c
VALUES ?c { :Bar }
?prop a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain ?c ;
rdfs:range ?objectPropClass ;
rdfs:domain ?objectPropClass ;
rdfs:range ?c .
BIND ("objectLeftRight" as ?propertyType)
BIND (1 as ?order)
?prop a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain ?c ;
rdfs:range ?objectPropClass .
BIND ("objectRight" as ?propertyType)
BIND (2 as ?order)
?prop a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:domain ?c .
BIND ("datatype" as ?propertyType)
BIND (3 as ?order)
?prop a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:domain ?objectPropClass ;
rdfs:range ?c .
BIND ("objectLeft" as ?propertyType)
BIND (4 as ?order)
FILTER(?objectPropClass != :Bar || ?propertyType != "objectRight"
&& ?propertyType != "objectLeft")
} ORDER BY ?order ?objectPropClass ?prop
...after taking a quick look at the docs, I believed that GraphDB did a kind of analysis based on the actual use of the properties with classes instances.
It seems that the Class relationships view provides such information in the left panel.
Also, you can create your own Visual Graph configuration. I was able to CONSTRUCT
this image: