I got H.W. that in one of the lines of the main.cpp I am suppose to support:
the logical meaning behind this is to assign to a "game board" the char 'X' at the position of (1,1). I have no clue how to create an array that receives curly brackets such as [{int,int}].
How can I do this?
P.S. since these are symbols and not chars (and since I don't recognize any term that belongs to this problem) it is very difficult searching for this type of problem in google, so this might be a duplicate :-( , hope not.
I tried to do:
first try:
vector<vector<int> > matrix(50);
for ( int i = 0 ; i < matrix.size() ; i++ )
2nd try:
int mat[3][3];
//maybe map
3rd try:
class _mat { // singleton
int i ,j;
void operator [](string s)
cout << s;
_mat mat;
string s = "[{}]";
mat[s]; //this does allow me to do assignment also the parsing of the string is a hustle
you need to do something like:
struct coord {
int x;
int y;
class whatever
//data being what you have in your board
data& operator[] (struct coord) {
//some code