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PHP : Simple DOM Parser how to iterate this html code

<div id="score">
               <div class="name"><span style="width:68%">A</span></div>
                   <span class="roll">1</span>    

                <div class="name"><span style="width:60%">B</span></div>
                   <span class="roll">2</span>       

                 <div class="name"><span style="width:56%">C</span></div>
                   <span class="roll">3</span>          

i want to iterate over each span of but i am not getting to next span.roll tag I have used this code yet and also check the condition if A is available then 1 display and same as above name to check.

$obj = new simple_html_dom();

 foreach ($obj->find('div[id=score]') as $factor)
         $item = $factor->find('div[class=name] span')->plaintext;

          if(trim($item) == 'A')
             $a = $factor->find('span[class=roll]',0)->plaintext;
          if(trim($item) == 'B')
            $b = $factor->find('span[class=roll]',1)->plaintext;
          if(trim($item) == 'C')
             $c = $factor->find('span[class=roll]',2)->plaintext;
           $final_array['overalldata'] = array
            'a'=> $a,
            'b' => $b,
            'c' => $c,



Any body having any idea please help to sort it out. Thanks


  • As an alternative, since you're targeting that ID, you don't need to have a foreach on the parent element, just get it outright.

    Then you apply the foreach on its children, getting the names and rolls.

    Here's the idea:

    $final_array['overalldata'] = null; // initialize
    $factor = $obj->find('div[id=score]', 0); // get the parent
    foreach ($factor->find('div[class=name]') as $item) { // each item of the parent
        $name = $item->find('span', 0)->innertext; // get the name
        $roll = $item->next_sibling()->innertext; // get the next sibling which is the roll
        $final_array['overalldata'][$name] = $roll; // and assign it (push it inside the array)

    So basically, to get the name just target the child inside each div, and then, to target the roll (which is the sibling of each div), just use ->next_sibling() method.

    Sidenote: If I were you, I'd stick to DOM. It's already built-in inside PHP, no need to include any third party libraries.