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How to disable a sub-form in ms access form

I had this project where I have to make a program with a login and different levels of access according to which user loged in. So i made the login form and after that i had this form where it have three sub-forms, each labeled level_1-3. The idea is if the user has access level 1 the two sub-forms will be disabled and the first form only will be enabled.

the code i used looks something like this

If Not rs.EOF Then
        Acesslevel = DLookup("[Access_level]", "managers_data", "username.Value")
        MsgBox " Welcome " & username.Value & ". Acess level " & Acesslevel & " Granted!!"
        If Acesslevel = 1 Then 
            DoCmd.OpenForm "Home"
        If Acesslevel = 2 Then 
            DoCmd.OpenForm "Home"
        If Acesslevel = 2 Then 
            DoCmd.OpenForm "Home"

so my question is what code should i insert in places of x so that the two sub-forms (sub-form level_2 and level_3 are disabled and level_1 is enabled) and the same question goes for y and z. the name of the form is home. and i am using ms access 2013. Any help will be appreciated, thanks.


  • It could be:

    DoCmd.OpenForm "Home"
    Forms!Home!SubformControlX.Enabled = False
    Forms!Home!SubformControlY.Enabled = False
    Forms!Home!SubformControlZ.Enabled = False
    Select Case Acesslevel
        Case 1 
            Forms!Home!SubformControlX.Enabled = True
        Case 2
            Forms!Home!SubformControlY.Enabled = True
        Case 3 
            Forms!Home!SubformControlZ.Enabled = True
    End Select