Search code examples

Regexp to find youtube url, strip off parameters and return clean video url?

imagine this url:

what is the cleanest and best regexp to do the following:

1.) i want to strip off every thing after the video URL. so that only remains.

2.) i want to convert this url into

Since i'm not much of a regexp-ert i need your help:

$content = preg_replace('http://.*?\?v=[^&]*', '', $content); 

return $content;

edit: check this out! I want to create a really simple WordPress plugin that just recognizes every normal youtube URL in my $content and replaces it with the embed code:

function videoplayer($content) {
    $embedcode = '<object class="video" width="308" height="100"><embed src="' . . '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="308" height="100" wmode="opaque"></embed></object>';
    //filter normal youtube url like
    //convert it to
    //use embedcode and pass along the new youtube url
    $content = preg_replace('', '', $content); 
    //return embedcode
    return $content;

add_filter('the_content', 'videoplayer');  


  • I use this search criteria in my script:
