I've created a batch file that query's the data in saves it into a CSV file. The data I'm searching for is saved as a sub-key in the registry (the values inside the sub-key are irrelevant). I have the following query:
reg query "HKCU\Software\Gizmo International\HCM\IPC Config" >>%userprofile%\desktop\info.csv
And this is the result:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Gizmo International\HCM\IPC Config\g1322222_127.0.0.1
But I just want to get the sub-key only: g1322222_127.0.0.1
(which is under \IPC Config
) and not the whole path, then save it in a new cell in the CSV file.
The reason being that we have to search a large number of computers for the sub key (it is a unique number in every PC and it is saved under the sub-key \IPC Config) and build a database in Excel, but the long path is crowding the CSV file.
Can anyone please help me with this?
If you're looking for just the subkey name, and there's only one *, then you could use this:
@Echo Off
Set "HKCU=&H80000001"
Set "RKEY=Software\Gizmo International\HCM\IPC Config"
For /F "Tokens=2 Delims={}" %%A In (
'WMIC Class StdRegProv Call EnumKey "%HKCU%"^,"%RKEY%" 2^>Nul^|Find "sNames"'
) Do (Echo %%~A)>>"%UserProfile%\Desktop\info.csv"
If there were more than one subkey, (* or you wanted the single returned name inside doublequotes for your csv output), then you'd ) Do Echo %%A>>"%UserProfile%\Desktop\info.csv"
If you want them each without quotes then you can use this modification:
@Echo Off
Set "HKCU=&H80000001"
Set "RKEY=Software\Gizmo International\HCM\IPC Config"
For /F "Tokens=2 Delims={}" %%A In (
'WMIC Class StdRegProv Call EnumKey "%HKCU%"^,"%RKEY%" 2^>Nul^|Find "sNames"'
) Do Set "_=%%A" & >>"%UserProfile%\Desktop\info.csv" Call Echo %%_:"=%%