I'm writing a quick sort function, with a lambda that randomly selects a pivot for quicksort. When I originally built the function for the sort without a lambda, I benchmarked the function sorting a list of 25,000 strings at 0.012 seconds. now that I have implemented a lambda it is taking the same algorithm 15 seconds to sort the same list no matter how I choose the pivot point. Which I know isn't correct. Here is my code, any ideas why this would impact the performance of this sort so much?
void quickSort (vector <string> &L, function<int(const vector<string> &,
int,int)> pickPiv, int a, int b){
if (b ==-1){
b = L.size();
const int n = b-a;
if (n<=1){
// if list has one element or less then we are done sorting, this breaks the recursion
int piv = pickPiv (L,a,b);
swap (L[a],L[piv]);
piv =a;
for (int i =piv+1; i<b; i++){
if (L[i] < L[piv]){
swap (L[piv],L[piv+1]);
quickSort(L,[](const vector <string> L, int a, int b) -> int {
//return a;// if we want first element pivoting
int randpiv = rand()%(b-a +1)+a;
return randpiv;
},a, piv);
quickSort(L,[](const vector <string> L, int a, int b) -> int {
// return a; // if we want first element pivoting
int randpiv = rand()%(b-a +1)+a;
return randpiv;
As pointed out in the comments, passing L
by value to the pickPiv
s is very slow, however there are more problems with your code.
You don't need to pass L
to the lambdas you are defining at all, as they only operate on a
and b
You shouldn't be using lambda expressions to recurse, instead pass the existing pickPiv
Strongly consider using a std::uniform_int_distribution
to pick your random pivot points.
void quickSort (vector <string> &L, function<int(int,int)> pickPiv, int a, int b){
if (b ==-1){
b = L.size();
const int n = b-a;
if (n<=1){
int piv = pickPiv(a, b);
std::swap(L[a], L[piv]);
piv =a;
for (int i = piv+1; i<b; i++){
if (L[i] < L[piv]){
swap(L[i], L[piv+1]);
swap(L[piv], L[piv+1]);
quickSort(L, pickPiv, a, piv);
quickSort(L, pickPiv, piv+1, b);
int main(){
std::random_device rd; //Will be used to obtain a seed for the random number engine
std::mt19937 gen(rd()); //Standard mersenne_twister_engine seeded with rd()
std::vector<int> vec = { 4, 2, 7, 19, 3 };
quickSort(vec, [&gen](int a, int b){
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(a, b);
return dis(gen);
}, 0, -1);