I'm trying to use node-red-contrib-socketio package to emit a 'weather' event from Node-Red to a client based on input from Weather Underground.
I'm using the following code in a node-red function to process the input from WeatherUnderground and set the event:
weather = msg.payload.weather;
msg.payload = {weather: weather};
msg.socketIOEvent = 'weather';
RED.util.setMessageProperty(msg, "socketIOEmit", "emit", true);
return msg;
Is this the correct way to set and emit the weather event?
For reference:
I've bound the SocketIO Out node to Node_Red (so presumably port 1880 on local host). I'm using the Unity game engine as the client to receive the event with the Socket.IO library from the asset store: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/network/socket-io-for-unity-21721
Unity is listening for the weather event on the following URL:
Currently Unity seems to be registering the connection but not the emitted weather event.
My test C# script for handling the events in Unity is as follows:
using UnityEngine;
using SocketIO;
public class NodeNetwork : MonoBehaviour
//Reference socket component
static SocketIOComponent socket;
void Start()
//Initialise reference to socket component
socket = GetComponent<SocketIOComponent>();
//Register callbacks for network events
socket.On("open", OnConnected);
socket.On("weather", OnWeather);
//Create a callback for the connection
void OnConnected(SocketIOEvent e)
//Emit a move call back to the server
socket.Emit("client connected");
//Create a callback for receipt of weather events
void OnWeather(SocketIOEvent e)
Debug.Log("New weather event received" + e.data);
socket.Emit("weather received");
Any advice would be appreciated.
After further research and testing I got this working. The Node-Red flow was fine but some sort of configuration issue prevented it working. Reinstalling Node.js and Node-Red resolved the issue.
Using msg.socketIOEmit = "emit"
as advised by @hardillb works.
I tested several SocketIO solutions for Unity and ended using SocketIO for Native and WebGL builds by DASPETE which is a $10 paid asset.
In order to deserialise the JSON I used SaladLab's JSONNetLite Unity package which is a fork of NewtonSoft.JSon.NET.
To successfully use the package in a Unity WebGL build you need to add a link.xml file to your assets folder. This adds exceptions to the default Unity bytecode stripping which removes unused code from DLL's like the Newtonsoft.Json package.
I hope that helps if you have the same issues.