I am looking to implement a find and replace for a string from a document by using the key and value pair of a map. The code I currently have seems to be returning 2 strings because of 2 map values. I am looking to return one string with values in curly braces be replaced by the value in the map.
let $text:='On ${date} the value of alert is ${alerts}'
let $params:= map:map()
let $noop:=map:put($params,'date','TESTINGDATE')
let $noop:=map:put($params,'alerts','TESTALERT')
let $formatted-message:=for $keys in map:keys($params)
let $message:=fn:replace($text,fn:concat('\$\{',$keys,'\}'),map:get($params,$keys))
return $message
return $formatted-message
You could use a recursive function:
declare function local:replace-all($text, $key, $rest, $params)
if (fn:empty($key)) then
local:replace-all(fn:replace($text, fn:concat('\$\{',$key,'\}'), map:get($params,$key)),
let $text:='On ${date} the value of alert is ${alerts}'
let $params:= map:map()
let $noop:=map:put($params,'date','TESTINGDATE')
let $noop:=map:put($params,'alerts','TESTALERT')
let $keys := map:keys($params)
local:replace-all($text, fn:head($keys), fn:tail($keys), $params)
Or you could use fn:fold-left()
let $text:='On ${date} the value of alert is ${alerts}'
let $params:= map:map()
let $noop:=map:put($params,'date','TESTINGDATE')
let $noop:=map:put($params,'alerts','TESTALERT')
let $keys := map:keys($params)
function($text, $keys) {
let $key := fn:head($keys)
fn:replace($text, fn:concat('\$\{',$key,'\}'), map:get($params,$key))
Both produce:
On TESTINGDATE the value of alert is TESTALERT